Golden globes

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Taylor looked at her watch. Joe was supposed to be here soon. The last time they'd seen each other was a month ago, at his twenty-fifth birthday party. Horror, it had been a month. She glanced at the screen saver on my phone; it was a picture of Joe. She'd taken it right on the day of the party. She'd even gotten a little used to their two-country relationship, but it was hard to get over the separation every time, and the video calls didn't do much to save the situation. Taylor looked around the living room where she was sitting. Here was the fireplace, where Joe threw a newspaper to stoke the fire, here was the rug Taylor had accidentally spilled wine on when she and Joe were kissing, here was a framed picture of them together, here was the statue he'd brought her from Argentina. Everything in this house had Joe written all over it. She put the cardigan on over her T-shirt and immediately remembered how Joe had given her that cardigan for their anniversary. She went to Instagram and started looking at pictures of other celebrities. So some time passed and finally she heard the sound of the door opening. She immediately ran to Joe. The cold evening air rushed in, and Joe. He was dressed in jeans, a T-shirt, and a denim jacket that Taylor had given him. He had an expensive watch on his arm, a bouquet of flowers in his hand, and a bag of belongings on his back. Taylor looked at him. She remembered looking at Joe as he flew away and realized abruptly that they had grown. There wasn't much left of the boy she'd started dating when she was 22, now there was a young man standing in front of her, with a penetrating look in his blue eyes. But she still loved him as much as she did then. When they celebrated their first anniversary, she remembered thinking fearfully, "What if we fall out of love after a while? We'll just get bored with each other." It did scare her, and it was a very pleasant discovery to sit next to him on their second anniversary and realize that his smile and the words he whispered in her ear still had butterflies in her stomach and her heart was beating like crazy. All those thoughts went through Taylor's head in one second because the next minute she was hugging Joe. He dropped the bag on the floor to hug her. Her hands were in his hair, their lips met in a kiss. She never got tired of him, she never had enough of him. Every time she wanted him like she wanted him for the first time. When they stopped kissing they just stood there in each other's arms. Over the years they had become so much more like each other. Joe pulled away from her a little to hand her the bouquet. She took it in one hand with the other still holding Joe.
- Remind me never to be without you again. I've missed you so much all this time- said Joe.
- And me. God, I missed you so much. Don't leave me again for such a long time without seeing you at all.
- Never again. And I'll tell the hell out of anyone who wants me to go anywhere without you.
- I love you, Joe.
- And I love you, Taylor.
Those are the words they've been waiting to say looking into each other's eyes for so long. Joe grabbed his bag and made his way to the bedroom. Taylor watched him change, so homey, so hers. So familiar. Her Joe. Joe walked over to her and she drew him into a kiss.
- Let's go into the kitchen. I made a lot of good stuff, and you must be very hungry from the road.
- You're the only thing I'm hungry for.
After a while they did make their way to the kitchen and Joe ate Taylor's delicious food while she watched him eat. Gigi texted her:
- "How are you doing in there? Did you meet Joe yet?"
- "Yeah, he's sitting and eating everything I made for him," Taylor texted and sent a picture of Joe.
- "Good for you. Have a great time tonight."
- "You too) see you at the after-party tomorrow?"
- "Sure. You should see my dress though. Trust me, you'll see you're wasting your time."
- "we'll see who's who."
- "exactly. Okay, I'm not distracting you from him."
Taylor put the phone away and looked at Joe, taking his hand. They had spent the evening together and when Taylor lay down not in an empty bed, but with Joe, she felt good and all her worries evaporated with his arrival.

*The next day*

Taylor went to bed and woke up in Joe's arms. What could be better? She wanted to spend as much time with him as possible, but she had to go to a dress fitting for the Golden globes she would be at tonight. Since she would be announcing the winner of one of the categories. As she stood looking at herself in the mirror while the seamstresses walked around her adjusting her dress, suddenly Joe walked in.
- Joe?! What are you doing here?
- I couldn't help seeing you. We didn't spend much time together this morning after such an expensive separation, so I thought I'd stop by and see you. Am I interrupting much?
- No, not much. I'm glad you're here.
Joe walked on as Taylor screamed desperately:
- No! Stop!
Joe looked at her blankly.
- Joe, you practically stepped on the hem of my dress!
- Oh man, I'm sorry, I didn't even notice.
- It's okay, but be more careful next time.
Joe did kiss her, even though it made the seamstresses around Taylor uncomfortable it didn't really bother them at the time.He sat down a little behind him, looking at Taylor. Taylor kept catching the look in his blue eyes. She drowned in them and was inattentive. When they stepped outside, Joe led her to his car. Taylor felt great, not only was she with Joe, but there were no paparazzi around. He opened the door for her to get in the passenger seat, but she asked:
- do you mind if I drive the car?
- No, of course not.
He handed her the keys and got in the passenger seat. She started the car and looked at him. Almost everything was like normal, ordinary people. Joe was the only boyfriend she had ever had permission to drive. The others didn't want to, apparently they thought it would undermine their authority. Joe didn't care; he didn't see the shame in Taylor driving and him in the passenger seat. And she loved him for that, too. They drove along exchanging news, but at some point they stopped talking. They just stared at each other. Taylor took Joe's hand and put it to her lips and kissed it. Joe waited until they were at a traffic light and pulled her closer for a kiss. He smiled with his dimples on his cheeks. They arrived at the apartment and spent some time together, now it was time for the red carpet. The stylists and makeup artists came to the apartment and started getting Taylor ready for the award and the red carpet. When they were done Taylor twirled around in front of him in her dress.
- You're gorgeous.
Taylor smiled at him and suddenly asked:
- Would... would you go with me?
- To the red carpet? I'm not sure that's a good idea.
- No, not the red carpet, just the awards. I always have an invitation for two, and I want to be with you. Everyone knows we're together, and... it's just a suggestion, in case you want
- I don't know Taylor. I don't have time to think, do I?
- I have to go. But if you ever want to, I'll always be waiting for you. All right, bye.
Joe walked her out and watched her go down to the enthusiastic cheers of the crowd and the paparazzi and get into the car.
Taylor took a glass of champagne and began talking animatedly to her friends. Suddenly DJ Calvin Harris, or Adam as he introduced himself, walked up to them. They had met before at events and had chatted a couple of times. There was something about him that made Taylor uneasy. Maybe the fact that he had touched her arm "casually" during their last meeting. It was silly, though. She shook her head and smiled at Adam. Suddenly, somehow, they happened to be alone. Taylor heard her phone vibrate, someone sending her messages. She wanted to answer it, but Adam took her hand and started to show her something. She was a little taken aback by this pressure, but quickly and gently pulled her hand out and stepped away from him. Had he decided to flirt with her. Or even more so. But he knows she's with Joe; everyone knows that already.
- You know, I've heard about some actors. I thought they were seeing each other because they were together for a long time, but it turned out to be a PR thing. They just signed a contract. And that happens all the time.
- I don't know people with PR relationships- answered Taylor. Yes, it was a lie, but she didn't like the fact that he'd even brought it up in the first place. It looked like he was insinuating. And also made such an emphasis on the fact that they'd been dating for a long time. So he was hinting at her and Joe. And when it came to Taylor and Jo Taylor was ready to stand up for them to the last. She abruptly looked at Adam in a completely different way while he moved closer to her. He even put his arm around her waist. That was something Taylor wasn't going to stand for, because that and the fact that his lips were so close and she could feel his breath... She was about to roughly push him away when suddenly someone tossed him aside.
- What are you doing, you bastard?" asked a familiar voice. God it was Joe! In a beautiful black tuxedo. But now his hair was disheveled, his hands were balled into fists, and there was a mixture of anger and contempt on his face
- Are you out of your fucking mind?!
People began to look around at them and at once several cameras moved closer.
- Get your filthy hands off my girl, you jerk. Don't you know you're not supposed to be touching her?
Adam stepped closer and was about to attack Joe when Taylor stepped in between them. She didn't mind Joe hitting Adam, though she didn't support that kind of conflict resolution. But she couldn't have that kind of scandal, at the awards, under the cameras. Adam defiantly spat at her and Joe's feet and walked away. Joe turned back to Taylor:
- Is that all he did? Or am I missing something? How long has this creep been hitting on you?
- He just started acting like that today.
They moved on.
- Yeah. I wanted to surprise you by showing up here. But instead I practically started a fight like a boy. But he did something he never dared to do!
Taylor took his hand.
- Thank you for that. He got what he deserved. And I'm really glad you came. The evening may not have started off well, but it should end well. Because everything that goes well ends with you.

Joe nodded his gaze at the camera that was aimed directly at them and whispered in Taylor's ear:
- "If you only knew how much I want to kiss you right now.
- I want to kiss you, too. But we're not going to do it in front of the cameras, are we?
- We're not. Are we going to the after-party?
- We are. I was planning on it anyway.
- How long do we have to wait?
- Like, two hours.
- What do I do if I want you right now, right here?
- Wait.
Joe grinned and moved a little away from Taylor.
- Let's go to our seats, huh?
- Let's go.
They sat down at a table that was set up for two, Joe poured him and Taylor some champagne and they chugged. The Awards began, Joe looked around at the people gathered in the audience, he had seen all of them in at least one movie or TV series. He looked at Taylor who was listening to someone's thank you speech with a smile, he looked at her hand with the glass. On her hand was the infinity braclet he had given her. Then Taylor was announced and she stood up to announce the winner of the nomination. Joe gave her a hand as she left the table in her gown with a huge plume. She threw a look at him that immediately made him smile. Taylor announced the winner from the stage, handed him the statuette, and returned to Joe's table
- Remember when we saw that movie together? - he asked.
- We did! I was so excited when I saw that he was the one who won. See, and then you just showed up.
They smiled at each other. Joe took Taylor's hand under the table and squeezed it. She looked at him and put her other hand on his shoulder. As Joe watched someone's speech Taylor threw a glance at him and smiled to herself. She was happy. To Joe's surprise, the ceremony happened rather quickly. Much faster than he expected. When he and Taylor got in the car, he immediately pulled her close and kissed her hard. They lost track of time; they were just enjoying the moment and each other.

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