What happens when the past catches up with you at the most inopportune moment

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Taylor looked with a forced smile at the guy who was standing in front of her, telling her something. There was loud music playing in the next room, and here were those who were already too tired to dance. Taylor looked away from the grandson of the famous fashion designer for a moment, who hadn't left her side today. She was so sick of him. He had tried to leave him several times before, but every time he came back.
- Yes, it's a very interesting story, but I think I'll be going now, she said.
-Hey, wait, where are you going?
She turned away and walked in the opposite direction when he caught up with her again. But he was left behind by some tall blond guy Taylor didn't know.
- Look, you don't have to hit on my friend. Just because she says she's leaving doesn't mean she's inviting you along-said a stranger with a British accent.
The fashion designer's grandson looked at him with disdain, but for some reason turned away and walked away. Now Taylor wondered who it was that had spared her from his company. After all, this someone must have been a very influential person. The blond man turned to her and smiled, and Taylor stared into his blue eyes. Her mind was filled with the fragments of memories and phrases associated with this man. Oh my God, it's Joe!
- Ha-ha, he's clingy. I hope it's okay that I introduced myself as your friend. I just had to save you from him6 Joe said with a laugh.
Taylor didn't answer, still staring at him silently.
- Hey, it's me Joe. I hope you remember me.
She blinked and came out of her stupor.
- Gods! It's been so many years! Of course I recognized you, Joe, and thank you for saving me from his company.
- Ha-ha, you're welcome.
He held out his hand to her and she shook it gently. Inspected it. Yes, growing up had done him good. He was pumped up, stretched out even more, trimmed his hair a little shorter, but his eyes were still the color of the ocean and the dimples on his cheeks hadn't changed. He handed her a glass of champagne and they went out on the veranda for some fresh air. The wind mussed Taylor's hair a little, and she glanced at Joe and asked:
- How did you end up here? Are you an actor, singer, or musician?
- None of the suggested ones. I have my own business, so I was invited here.
- So you're a businessman? Cool, what kind of business are you in?
- I own a company that sells and rents apartments and houses in America and Europe.
- Wow, I didn't know that. Congratulations.
He looked at her and gave her a kind smile.
- I'm sorry if I'm not being tactful, but is your boyfriend Conor here right now? I have an offer that might interest his grandparents' foundation.
Taylor stared at him strangely. Is this an attempt to see if she's available? Or is he trying to hurt her somehow? Or does he just not know?
- I don't know where Conor is right now. See, we broke up about two months ago.
- Oh, I'm so sorry about that question. I didn't know. I'm sorry.
Taylor patted him on the arm.
- It's okay Joe, you didn't hurt my feelings.
He smiled back a little guiltily. Just as suddenly they both flinched at the fireworks going off nearby. Taylor and Joe staggered to the sky and clinked their glasses. "If heaven can hear me, please give me a little chance," Joe thought as he sipped his champagne. He and Taylor stood around talking about school and their mutual acquaintances for a while, and then she went back to her friends while Joe looked after her with a happy and slightly sad smile.

Two weeks later.
Taylor stepped away from the DJ booth. She seemed to be doing a pretty good job. She walked back to Diane, who was waiting for her.
- Girlfriend, you've got talent! Have you thought about becoming a DJ?- Diana asked with a laugh.
- I don't know, I don't know, we'll see-Taylor told her.
- and hello again ladies- said a voice behind them. They turned around and saw Joe. Taylor didn't know, but for some reason she hugged him as she met him. He was very warm and somehow homely, and he also smelled like the same cologne. The smell was exactly the same as in her memory. Diane said hello to Joe and then with a wink Taylor left the two of them alone. Taylor raised an eyebrow skeptically as she left.
- You've been partying a lot, Joe.
- Yeah... I used to rent apartments to a lot of these guys. I try to give them as much privacy as I can and often do so I'm often invited by my clients to after parties or parties like this
- How come we're only meeting here now and not before?
- I've only actively started showing up now. I was recommended by George Clooney to one of his friends, and then it was on. More and more celebrities found out about me and I thought it was a good business plan. And I was right.
- You always had a good instinct, Joe.
- thank you, as good as yours. Your marketing moves are genius. You know your clients very well. Build your business Taylor, you'll easily succeed in it.
- Ha ha, thanks for the offer, but for now I'll be a singer.
They laughed. They talked for a while, then Taylor went to see Diane but it turned out she had already left and she didn't have much desire to talk to the others so she went back to Joe.
- Aren't you tired of being here? You have to admit these parties are pretty monotonous.
- Yes, a little. But I don't have plans tonight, I don't want to go home.
- Do you want to get out of here? We could go to the park or something. I don't have plans tonight either, and I'd love to spend it with you.
Taylor stared at him. Why not? She nodded affirmatively. She put her coat over the dress she was wearing and Joe took her to his car. He led her to the black Porsche and opened the door for her to get in. "I guess you're doing fine," thought Taylor, since she knew exactly how much a car like that would cost. Joe sat down next to her and gassed up a bit from the start. They took to the streets of evening Los Angelos. Joe drove them to a large park. It was quite bright and crowded. There was a cafe nearby where couples sat on dates and a beautiful lake where ducks swam.
- Would you like some coffee? - Joe asked Taylor.
- I guess so. Just not strong. Let's have a cappuccino.
- A cappuccino and a latte, please- Joe said to the clerk.
As he handed her a cup of hot coffee Taylor realized she had to pay. She wanted to give Joe the money, but he stopped her.
- Don't Taylor. My treat.
Taylor shrugged but told herself that next time she would have to pay for herself. She and Joe walked down the path. The further they walked, the fewer people there were, and the darker it got. Taylor walked and talked to Joe, and she was so caught up that she didn't notice he was gone. Taylor turned around and asked the darkness:
- Hey Joe, where are you?
No one answered her, she was a little scared. Suddenly Taylor heard some rustling and Joe jumped on her laughing. She grabbed his arm out of fright and said:
- Joe! You can't scare people like that! One day someone will get a heart attack because of you!
She stopped talking and only realized she was holding his hand. Good thing she couldn't see in the dark that she was blushing. She gently pulled her hand away, and she wondered if he wanted to take her again. It must have been, since he didn't show her anything wrong.
- Come on, Taylor, but you were scared, you have to admit- Joe replied as if nothing had happened. Taylor just rolled her eyes and snorted. They decided to head back and when Joe dropped her off at her house she said:
- Look, I wanted to get out for a little hike this weekend. You know, a little hike up a low mountain that would end with a picnic. My friends can't come, so maybe you'd like to come.
- This weekend? That's not a bad idea. Then let's exchange numbers and I'll text you, okay?
- Deal- said Taylor and wrote her number on her business card. When she got out of the shower she saw a text message from an unknown number. It was a winking smiley face. Taylor smiled to herself, Joe was in his repertoire.

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