XXV : Invitaton

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At the park

"Okay jungwon you were just talking to me few minutes ago, why are you so quite again?" Daeun spoke, helplessly following the guy that was walking a bit faster than her so she won't catch him. She had to approach him a bit faster in order to stand in front of him finally stopping him. He sighed and gave up ignoring her, giving her the attention she wanted later on.

"Don't you find it weird that hana is about to date your ex?" Jungwon completely ignored her question and stared at her before he continued to walk but a bit slower this time. Daeun remained silent as she thought he will complain about the date again but she wasn't expecting him to say that. She had to pause for a bit.

"Kind of? But it's not like I can stop them from loving each other, sunoo liked hana in the first place remember?" Daeun awkwadly smiled while jungwon cringed at the statement. But he made sure not to make it obvious and decided to keep it to himself as he didn't want to start another argument with her to make the situation worse, he just nodded while walking with her.

"We are still on a date right?" Daeun nervously chuckled as she hit his shoulder playfully, he sighed and nodded again. Attempting to put a fake smile on his face and let her know they still are. But he can't ignore the fact that he was still so jealous and mad at her, but the way she was looking at him with those doe eyes of hers he couldn't stay mad as much as earlier anymore.

He smiled to himself when he felt her tiny hand grabbing his before interlocking their fingers together, Daeun began to drag him along with her not knowing where she would take him to but he didn't complain anything of it as he just continued to follow her.


At the arcade

"I-is that jay???" Hanas mouth formed an "o" shape before she slapped her mouth in shock and couldn't believe what she was seeing right now, the fact that he was with someone that no body expected made her more confused, sunoo on the other hand had the same expression as hers but he wasn't looking at jay, he was looking at the girl and cringed when he saw her being all over the guy.

"Who's jay?" Sunoo calmly spoke trying not to lose his shit at the sight of her, he tried to maintain and calm himself down as he began to pet kitty again at the same time waiting for hanas response.

"My ex crush" hana awkward cleared her throat as her body was getting stiffer, she slowly looked at sunoo expecting some kind of reaction from him but sighed in relief when he still had the same expression on his face as before, she did not want him to misunderstand something.

"And out of these girls he had to be with yoona..." Sunoo stuck his tongue out in disgust causing hana let out a giggle at the action. But she couldn't blame him, she was also disgusted as much as him.

"You seem like you hate him and I wonder why is that?" Sunoo and hana didn't know they were quietly following the other two while talking to each other, hana didn't respond for few seconds. Obviously as she was intensely looking at them in pure disgust and anger, sunoo had to nudge her shoulder to make her come back to her senses.

She still didn't respond and later on he also got distracted when they continued to follow the two suspiciously, hana made sure to take out her phone to record this unbelievable moment to show it to daeun later. Thousands of questions ran through her mind, trying to process everything. Why were they together and how do they know each other?
And why they are being so fucking touchy with each other?

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