XV : Realization

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"So you and jungwon are...?" Sunoo immediately stopped talking as he saw me glaring at him and didn't let him finish his sentence.

"Okay I got my answer" he nervously chuckled as he put another slice of cake into his mouth.

"You know jungwon has a thing for you but he won't admit it" I almost choked in my drink at what sunoo said right know.

"No he doesn't-"

"He does daeun"

"And how do you know that?" I leaned closer to him and looked at him in sudden curiosity.

"And why are you curious if you hate him?" Sunoo wiggled his eyebrows at me and chuckled when he saw me face palming myself out of frustration.

"Let's just stop talking about him please don't you hate him too?" i took a sip of my drink again as I felt my throat got drier.

"I'm just jealous of everything he has" he put his fork down slowly and got a bit disappointed.

"He lost hana too so why are you still jealous?" I spoke honestly.

"I'm jealous because he has you now" i stopped in my tracks as I saw him smiling at me sadly. Why are you doing this to me sunoo?


"I know I'm sorry I shouldn't feel that way I'm trying to move on too"

"But If you guys end up dating each other I will be happy for you" he softly held my hands in his as I hesitated at first but I just let it slide this time again.

"Daeun do you like him?" He asked and titled his head in curiosity and waited for my answer.

"No but I have mixed up feelings about him" I looked through the window as it was raining pretty heavily.. remembering that day all of the sudden and got sadder. Why am I telling him these?

"I've been friends with jungwon since we were kids and I can figure out anything just by looking at him" I nodded at him to continue what he was about to say.

"The way he talked to us earlier showed that he was really jealous too" I bite my lips nervously and remembered everything that happened earlier. So embarrassing.

"Stop talking nonsens-"

"I'm being serious daeun, yes he did act the same way with hana when he was jealous but with you it felt different"

So you are telling me jungwon has a thing for me? Impossible.

"And I can tell you kinda like him too" i sighed and put my head against the table, knowing he was stating straight facts right now.

Now I know about my weird feelings when I was around him. I liked him and I didn't realized it until now. But I can't let myself have feelings for him when he literally hates my guts.

"Why don't you make him like you?"

"Sunoo why are you helping me with this? I'm not interested"

heartless | y.jw Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang