The Hogwarts Express Part 2

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I would like to start off by saying that I'm very very very VERY sorry that it took me so long to publish this chapter. I've been very busy with school and I had a HUGE writer's block! (All you authors know what I'm talking about.) If you've never had a writer's block, then you are extremely lucky because it is the worst. Hopefully I will be publishing more often, not necessarily for this particular book, because it's almost Summer time!!!!!! 1 more day left of school! C'mon Mo you can do it!!!

Ok, now for the serious matter:

This chapter is dedicated to @whataworldwelivein (hopefully I spelled it right) who was the first person to vote for the Author's Note which I wasn't expecting all because, you know, it's kind of not a very important chapter and not many people actually read it (me included).

This chapter will be focusing on Dimitri's background and another character that I have created, so don't steal her please!!!

I will also be introducing the characters that you submitted. So, yeah. Enjoy.


Instead of a young girl, I was staring at a boy about my age. His clothes were simple- gray shirt and dark jeans. His skin was about five shades darker than mine and his dark curly hair stuck out in every direction. His accent meant that he wasn't from here and his hand that was held out in front of me was very dirty by the looks of it.

"Umm...Hullo." He eagerly shuck the hand that I stuck out. "I'm Albus Potter, this is my cousin Rose Weasley, and this is Scorpius Malfoy." I indicated to Rose and Scorpius, Dimitri smiled, revealing his missing front tooth, at both of them and turned back towards me.

"Have you, by any chanze, zeen my zizter pazz by at all." Dimitri asked.

"Are you saying that you lost your sister?" Rose asked.

"No. I'm juzt tryzing to locate 'er on de train."

"I don't hear a difference."

"Vell," Dimitri revealed a crumpled up piece of parchment from his pockets in his pants, "my fadder wrote me diz letter before he left."

He handed it to Rose, Scorpius and I glanced over her shoulders as she read it aloud.

"Dimitri, I know I haven't been the best father during your life and now that your mother is gon-" Rose looked up at Dimitri apologetically, "I'm so sorry...I didn't mean t-"

Before she could say anymore, Dimitri cut her off, "iz fine. Juzt ke-keep reading."

"'s been difficult for both of us. But I just wanted to tell you that you're not alone. Your sister is still alive and she needs you. I've sent her to Wool's Orphanage so that she could be closer to you. Umm...I guess she's at this Wool's Orphanage right now."

Dimitri shook his head then said, "I zought zat at firzt Juzt keep reazing."

"Your mother told me that she was a 'magical creature' later in our marriage. You were already on the way and I guess I didn't want to have a family composed of people like your mother. So, I left and married what your mother called a 'Muggle' and soon Scarlett was a part of our lives."

"I believe zat's my zizter." Dimitri stated.

"At a very young age, she was clearly different than most normal children. I left her out of fear, but after thinking about what I did to you I knew that I couldn't afford to make the same mistake twice. I've spent the last of my days with her and I regret every second about leaving you and your mother. Scarlett is on her way to Hogwarts as will you. Don't blame her for the mistakes that I have made."

"Please forgive me, my son.

D. A. Zeldon."

Rose folded the letter and handed it to Dimitri who shoved it back into his pocket.

"So you believe that Scarlett is somewhere on the Hogwarts Express as we speak." Scorpius says.

"Ja," Dimitri replies.

"Well, what are we waiting for?!" We all turn to Rose who is already out of the the compartment. "Let's go find Scarlett!"


I still need more people for the sorting! If you have an idea for a character but can't come up with a name (or the other way around), you can send that to me to. All Rough Drafts are accepted.

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