Start from the beginning

Taylor nodded as Carol walked out, "Bye, Carol!".

Taylor then walked over to the pantry in the kitchen, putting the rest of the cookies away before she headed up to her room, grabbing her sniper rifle from the corner before she fell onto the soft matress of her bed and looked up at the cieling.

Tomorrow, the plan was for the ground to kill every last one of Negan's men, and him if he was there.

Rick promised that if they saw her dad, they wouldn't kill him, but she couldn't help but feel like it was a blank promise.

She didn't want to have to kill Negan either...not everything he did for her...


Madison and her friends from the locker room after gym class was over, and now here Taylor was, curled up in a ball by the bleachers, trying to ignore the spots of stinging pain all over her body.

     That's when her gym coach, Mr. Smith, walked up to her, "What are you doin' over here, kiddo. You gotta get to class, first bell already rang.".

     "Is Madison still here Mr. Smith?" She meekly asked, peaking her head up.

     "No, Madison's gone. How'd you end up over here?" He replied, kneeling down to her.

     She wiped the fresh tears that fell from her sore eyes, "Madison and her friends...they...I-I ran out here and I hid.".

"Aw, c'mon kiddo. I've seen what Thompson's can do. There badasses. You gotta stand up for yourself, kick some ass." He encouraged her.

She sniffled, "I...I don't know if I'm strong enough.".

"But you are." He argued, "You never mess with Thompson's. They'll beat the shit outta you.".

She looked up at him, "Okay...so what do I do?".

"Fight back.".

-End of Flashback-

Fight back...that's what Negan always said to her.

Fight back and stand up for yourself.

He was right, it worked...for a while...

Sighing, she sat up and grabbed her sniper rifle, "This is no time for sulking. I have look out duty for practice with my shooting. I have to do good tomorrow...Hilltop's counting on it, and people's lives could be counting on it...".


beside Daryl and Jordyn as the group went over their plan on how they were going to enter Negan's waystation and take out his men.

Andy, a man from Hilltop who was currently drawing a map of the waystation, was giving them information on all the entry points ino the waystation.

"And you didn't see any other rooms?" Maggie asked.

"No, it's a big place." He replied, "This is the hallway I saw. There is more.".

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