Chapter 1

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TW!! Smut, miscarriage, struggle getting pregnant, car crash

Sorry for any spelling mistakes 😭

I've had enough of London. It's not what I expected it to be like but I'm glad my dad gave me the opportunity to live here, even if it was just for a year.

Things ended badly with me and Tom. We'd only been together a couple months but he was controlling, using me for his own pleasure. It was terrible I faked every orgasm with him. I sat on the floor with my back to the sofa ready to ring my dad.

Dad: "hello, sweetheart how are you?"

Me: "I want to come home, Dad"

Dad: "are you sure?"

Me: "mhm I'm sure, I'm sorry you've been paying for his apartment and everything and it's great it's just not what I thought it would be"

Dad: "sweetheart, it's fine I'm just glad your coming home. How quickly do you want to get back?"

Me: "as quick as possible"

Dad: "get on the next flight I'll book your ticket now I'll send you the details"

Me: "thank you, dad"

Dad: "your welcome now I have to go I have to be on set"

Me: "okay... I'll see you soon"

Dad: "see you soon"

I hung up and started to pack my suitcase. Luckily all my stuff still fits in one suitcase. I sighed as I managed to zip it up and walked to the kitchen to make a quick sandwich as my phone vibrated.

It's my dad. My flight is 4am. I bit into the sandwich as I messaged him thank you. I looked at the clock. 11pm. Great id only have about 1-2 hours sleep before I had to leave.

I'd decided against trying to sleep and just started to write some new songs. My emotions were everywhere and the lyrics were just flowing out of me.

/ 2 hours later \

I threw my notebook and pen into my bag as I grabbed my suitcase and walked to the door. I sighed and closed the door. My car was downstairs and ready to take me to the airport.

/ an hour later \

I've gotten through security and sat waiting for my gate to open. All I had now was a 9h 45minute flight. Hopefully I can get some sleep so I'm not sleep deprived when I go to see my dad on set.

On the flight I'm going to design some new dresses and suits and try and get some sleep. Being in London and with Tom he sort of manipulated me against designing and I wanted to do it again. I love it so much.

I managed to get a little sleep maybe 2 or 3 hours at most. I just spent the whole flight designing new clothes and writing a couple more lyrics. My dad loves the creative side of me. He loves to see my design and write lyrics especially when an idea pops into my head.

I haven't seen him in so long. I've missed him so much and Avri and Exton. I can't wait to see them.

// after the flight \\

// after the flight \\

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My girl // Chris Evans Where stories live. Discover now