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Minho took a deep breath and entered the dance studio.


"Minho hyung!"

Everyone happily ran to Minho and surrounded him.

"Yesterday i had a lot to ask you but couldn't. But i will ask you those later." Bangchan said.

"Yes! Bangchan hyung didn't choose other member and had been waiting for you. So are you ready to join!?" Jeongin asked happily.

"Hey, he just wokeup from coma, don't stress him out." Bangchan replied to jeongin.

"It's okay, i am ready to join!" Minho smiled.

"But, we only have few days for our debut. Shouldn't we ask for more time?" Hyunjin asked bangchan.

"Hm, you are right."

"No, i am a fast learner so i will learn quickly. I don't think they will listen to us anyways. So let's do our best!" Minho grinned and showed off his dancing skills.

"Thats great! Fighting!" Bangchan smiled.

"Jisung! Is something wrong?" Minho asked as he sat beside him.

"Nope. I'm just happy that everyone is together now. This group always felt empty and sad even though they faked their happiness. But now their happiness seems real." Jisung smiled as he looked at his members who were working hard.

"Same." Minho smiled at jisung, his eyes never leaving jisung's face.

"Oh right! Since Minho came, why don't we celebrate by going to the amusement park tomorrow?" Bangchan offered his idea.

"That seems fun, yay let's goo" seungmin said excitedly.

"If bangchan hyung is paying that for sure i will go." Felix replied as he smirked.

"..fine. i will pay. But you all must practice well!" Bangchan sighed. They all cheered happily.

"Suree" everyone replied.

"Hm, which should i wear? A blue shirt or a black." Jisung asked jeongin on call.

It was the next day, they were going to the amusement park. Jisung couldn't decide anything he wore. Bangchan decided to pick everyone up or else someone would always come late or get lost in the amusemenr park. He decided that it was best if everyone got together to the amusement park.

"Can you just wear whatever you want and come quickly? You have been asking me a lot of stuff for the past hour. Like dude It's not a date." Jeongin shook his head and sighed.

"Fine fine." Jisung chuckled and quickly wore a black shirt quickly taking his phone with him.

"Should i wear a black shoe or a--"

"DUDE!!! COME ON JISUNG!" Changbin yelled from behind jeongin with an annoyed face. They were sitting in a car, Jeongin laughed.

"Hehe" Jisung laughed and quickly wore his shoes, walking towards bangchan's car as he hangedup the call.

"Where do i sit?" Jisung asked seeing that the car was full.

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