Chapter 16 - from angel of song to angel of destruction

Start from the beginning

Ave Maria
Gratia plena
Maria, gratia plena
Maria, gratia plena
Ave, ave dominus
Dominus tecum
Benedicta tu in mulieribus
Et benedictus
Et benedictus fructus ventris
Ventris tuae, Jesus.
Ave Maria

Ave Maria

Mater Dei
Ora pro nobis peccatoribus
Ora pro nobis
Ora, ora pro nobis peccatoribus
Nunc et in hora mortis
Et in hora mortis nostrae
Et in hora mortis nostrae
Et in hora mortis nostrae
Ave Maria
.” When the piano finished playing, it took me a moment to come back to myself again, after being so lost in the music, seeing Luke grinning like it was Christmas, his face held a bright light to it... So beautiful. I looked at Mr. Cho, who held a stunned face which then broke into a broad smile as he stood on his feet and started applauding like a mad man. He was quickly joined by the rest of the room erupted. I bit my lip as my face burned with embarrassment.

I looked at Luke again to see him shouting along with the crowd. I also noticed Aphrodite glaring daggers at me, obviously not impressed with my display. But I pushed it aside, as I nodded my head faintly and turned to Mr. Cho, who was still grinning like an idiot. “You can sit infront of Aphrodite.” He turned to the crowd, “I think we have our lead female role for Phantom of the Opera!” More cheering at this. I gasped at him.

“Seriously?!” I asked trying to hold in my excitement.

“Absolutely!” He grinned at me.

“Thank you so much! I'll go you proud, I promise!” I gave him a huge hug to his suprise, but he returned it and then pushed me toward the steps. I made my way gracefully up the steps and sat on the outside beside Luke, who grabbed my hand, squeezing it.

“That was amazing!” His yes danced with light and an emotion I couldn't place. I blushed by grinned back.

“Thanks.” I whispered back.

“Ok!” Mr. Cho's voice rang out effortlessly throughout the large room, drawing everyone's attention. “Now let's get started on some of this opera then! Now, I've arranged some of the numbers a little differently so everyone is involved. If you turn to page...”

~Combat Class~

Choir went really well, apart from Aphrodite behind us. I won't mention the stuff she was saying and doing, quite disturbing. Ew...

Next we made our way to our last of the day, Combat class. You can guess what that is; it's pretty obvious. Unfortunately, Aphrodite had the same class. On the bright side, so did Luke. Anyhow, we all lined up along the wall of the huge dome arena, facing a monstorous looking man, who a stern look on his worn face, blonde curly hair and ice blue eyes. Around his eyes was his tattoo, which was an intricate pattern of daggers and knives. I felt a little apprehensive, not because of Mr. Stone (yes his name is Mr. Stone), but because my battle angel was different from everyone elses, and I had been training for months before, in and out of my angel form. I'm going to be the class freak, it seems.

“Ok! We have a new student!” His voice was very deep, but carried easily in the large dome. “Step forward Ms. Haven!” His eyes zeroed in on me. Keeping my head held straight and look him dead in the eyes, I took a step forward. “Welcome to my class Ms. Haven. I've heard many think about you. I'll be testing your abilities today.” I nodded my head once in reply, knowing that nothing needed to be said and he would prefer this way.

“We are to make Ms. Haven feel welcome in my class, or would have to answer to me!” Just as he said the last word, he threw a dagger directly at me. No suprise it was a dagger then. It didn't faze me in the slightest. I took a step towards on my left leg when it reached me, leaning to the side, and caught it by the hilt. I stood up straight and walked toward Mr. Stone, who had a small smile playing on his lips that he was trying to hide. “It seems it is not me you should afraid of if there is a problem class.”

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2011 ⏰

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