Chapter 10

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{Narrator POV}
Luz was walking to the tiny old house with Camila at toe.

Camila was worried that this was a bad idea and that they should head back because it could be dangerous, but she knew that it was the place her precious daughter spent the last two years of her life.

She knew her daughter had a special connection to the place. So if forbidding Luz from ever going there again was out of question, than she HAD to try and see this trip through. 'For Mijas sake.' She thought.

On the other hand, Luz was worried sick that her mother would see the place, realize it was way to dangerous, and never let her go back there.

She knew her mother was trying because of the fact that she even agreed in the first place but she couldn't shake the feeling that this was going to end horribly.

Luz stopped at the front of the stairs leading up to the old shack.

"Are you ready mamá?" Luz asked looking over at her mother.
Camila looked back at Luz, than at the doorway where her daughter said the portal would appear. "As ready as I'll ever be I guess." She said anxiously.

Luz walked up, throwing the portal case mid-air, and putting the key inside of it.

It shown bright emerald green, much to Camilas amazement. She was staring at the portal intently. She couldn't believe what she was seeing.

Luz looked back at her beloved mother to see her reaction. She was surprised to see that she didn't look afraid or worried.

More— interested? Or maybe invested in the glowing door.
"Mamá?" The young brunette asked warily.

Camila snapped out of her trace and cleared her throat. "Should we go through?"

Luz chuckled a bit. "Age before beauty." The girl laughed out.

Camila gave her an amused look. "Ouch. So rude to the person who birthed you." Camila chuckled.

She stepped up the stairs, stopping in-front of the portal. Looking over at her daughter with a worried look, "are you sure about this mija?" She asked.

Luz smiled. "100% it'll be fine mamá. You have NOTHING to worry about." Luz knew that was a lie, but what could honestly go wrong?

It's a short visit. Nothing bad would happen within that small time slot. 'Thoughts like that get people killed Noceda. YOU'RE GONNA JINX YOURSELF' the young girl thought to herself.

Camila smiled looking back at the portal. Taking a deep breath, she stepped through.

'Something is SO going to happen, and this is going to go terribly wrong. I can feel it.' Luz thought to herself as she walked through the portal.

This is really short but yeah...
Also I have been going through and editing old chapters and holy shit. How did you all read that garbage- it was terrible. Going back through it this story is kinda stupid. And I know some of you probably thought 'people have tried all different kinds of ways to get the portal and a bile sack is all it took??' Yeah I thought that while reflecting on the book. It is what it is. Thanks for not complaining. AND PLEASE POINT OUT SPELLING ARRORS. I hate reading books that have a lot and I had A LOT. Like oh my lord- anyways. I love you all and I hope you stay safe<3

(Discontinued)I'll Be Waiting... A Lumity FanficWhere stories live. Discover now