Chapter 8

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{Amity POV}
"uuugggghhhhhhh" Amity groaned into her pillow. She had just gotten back from the owl house and felt like her brain was going to explode inside of her head. She had a horrible migraine. There was a soft knock at the door, before the hand twisted open revealing Edric. "hey mittens, you feeling ok?" Edric asked, as if he wasn't worried about Amity enough. Amity turned her head to face her brother. "I'm fine Ed. Just a headache that's all." Amity replied with a weak smile. "Do you want me to get you something? Water, pain relievers, icescream, food??" Edric asked trying to help. Amity chuckled lightly. "No thanks Ed. I just need to lay here in my sorrows and relish in my pain." Amity chuckled dryly before smashing her face back into the pillow. "Y'know mittens, you are going to have to tell me and Em why you wallowing so much sometime soon.." Edric stated blankly. "don't worry honey you'll find out soon enough. But in the mean time, I need peace and quite so I can swim in my sadness..." Amity was indirectly saying 'go away' and Edric caught on. "fine mittens" Edric groaned closing the door behind him. Amity stayed there with her face smooshed into the pillow for about two hours. Not falling asleep, but feeling very fuzzy like she were awake and asleep at the same time. Once she finally had enough of just laying there suffocating in her pillow her headache now a distant pain, she got up and went to her desk. Amity sat down rubbing the tiredness out of her eyes before pulling open a drawer. Amity unconsciously roamed the drawer to find a certain notebook.... Amity furrowed her brows together, "Where the hell is it.." She hissed under her breath, panicked she started pulling out every drawer in her desk. "no no no no no..." she whispered hoping she misplaced it in a drawer. "The library maybe?" She whispered to herself. "Not quite dear." A sickeningly sweet voice rang. Amity shot up and turned to the door only now noticing it was wide open, her mother standing there with a book. Amity's eyes shot wide open as she noticed it was her diary. "Looks like you and me have some catching up to do...
Don't we?" Odalia said in a calm town filled with venom. Amity just stared at her mother wide-eyed her arms limp at her sides. 'How glad I am that I was to weak to write about me losing my magic' Amity thought as her mother closed the door and started walking towards her. Her mother stopped only two feet in front of her. "Let's chat."

Two hours. Two damn hours of screaming and pain. Amity was glad it was over. Odalia did NOT keep her cool composure very long. Amity let out a strangled breath as she sat against the wall her mother knocked her into. Staring at her diary that was now just a pile of ash on the floor she took the time to go over everything that has happen to her in resent times. She couldn't help but laugh out loud at how pathetic her life had turned to be.
Amity wanted to talk to someone about these types of things, but never felt like she could either trust them, or carry the guilt of involving them in her tragic life story. At this point there was blood dripping into her eye from her forehead. "Ow" squeezing her right eye shut. She put her arms on the floor next to her to lift herself up, pulling her left leg up. Upon attempting to pull her right one up she realized it was definitely twisted in a direction it was not suppose to. "UuuUuuUuUUuuggGggGgGHHhHHh" she groaned her voice wavering with annoyance. She could tell it was just a measly sprain, but how could she easily heal it without MAGIC to heal it? 'I really should have paid attention when Luz was showing me glyphs..' she thought.
The most obvious choice would be to summon her scroll and text Eda or literally any of her friends because they knew glyphs except the issue was- 'I HAVE TO HAVE MAGIC TO SUMMON MY DAMN SCROLL' Amity thought plopping back down to her butt. "I HATE EVERYTHINGGGGG" she screamed knowing nobody was in the house at this time.

Amity had patched up the cuts on her face and put soothing ointment on her bruises. She had wrapped her ankle, so she could walk a little (she had to crawl to a bathroom cuz ermmm... sprained ankle-). 'Now that that's all patched I need to go find Ed and Em... I'm going to have to tell them about my magic sooner or later and what better time than now while I look like I just got hit wagon?'

I really wanted to make this longer but I couldn't get the right ideas for how to make it well longer-
I also just got done reading the book 'her royal highness' by Rachel Hawkins, and my dudes I want to move to Scotland now...
100% recommend the book.

(Discontinued)I'll Be Waiting... A Lumity FanficWhere stories live. Discover now