Chapter 1

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{Luz POV}
Luz woke up to the sound of.. banging? "WAKE UP KID" a familiar voice spoke. "Ughhhh it's to early!!" Luz responded with a grunt covering her face with her blanket. "Have you forgotten what day it is?" The familiar voice said, Luz grasped the top of the covers and sat up bringing the covers down to her thighs. She groggily looks up at the slightly blurry figure already knowing it's Eda. "I'm sorry is there a national Crisis I'm not aware of?" Luz responded in a snarky annoyed tone. Eda cocked a brow with an unamused face "I'm sorry did you forget today is your 16th birthday?, but by all means lay your ass right back down and sleep the day away!" Eda retorts narrowing her eyes putting a hand on her hip, and pointing a finger at the human. "ITS MY BIRTHDAY!?, HOW DID I FORGET THAT??" Luz yells ripping the covers off her and proceeding to face-plant on the floor not realize her left foot was still wrapped in her sheets. "Ow" Eda snorts with an amused face "what a wonderful start to your morning!" Eda snickers. Luz looks up at her and hisses "get outttttttt" Luz whined. "Fine whatever, get dressed and get your ass downstairs. I made breakfast and kings going to eat it all" "I ALREADY DID" a high pitched squeaky voice screamed. The witch and human both groan knowing they were not going to get breakfast. "You would think he would be a little more patient since it's my birthday" Luz chuckles. "Eh, you know how he is" "yeah" Luz groggily stands up and runs her hands through her hair, "alright I'll get you an apple or something before you go, but if you don't get ready now you will be late" Eda yelled the last part as she was already heading out of the room. Luz let out a content hum as she went to her closet to find some clothes. It had been almost 2 years since Luz first arrived on the boiling isles, her phone broke a few months ago leaving her with no contact to the human realm at all. Luz had convinced bump to allow students to wear what they want as long as it's school appropriate, they now had pins on their shirts that had their track colors on them. Luz picked out a shortsleeved shirt with purple and white stripes going side to side, along with long white washed ripped jeans putting on high top shoes that somewhat resembled covers. She cuffed her jeans (not stereotyping bisexuals. Im a lesbian and it's a habit for me to cuff my jeans, so I made it a habit for Luz too)and ran her fingers through her hair as an attempt to comb it. Luz grabbed her pin and ran downstairs. "EDA WHERES MY SCROLL" Luz yelled looking around the couch in the living room, since Luz was not a witch she could not make the scroll disappear like other witches. "ITS YOUR SCROLL HOW THE HELL SHOULD I KNOW?" Luz deadpanned in the direction of the kitchen, knowing full well Eda couldn't see her "thanks for the help Eda" she mumbles as she spots it on the floor half in under the couch. "IM HEADING TO SCHOOL SEE YOU GUYS LATER!!" "WAITTTT" a high pitch voice screeched, running to the living room where Luz was about to head out the door. "Though I am a king and should not have to apologize for anything, I do regret eating your birthday breakfast..." king trailed off pulling a container out from behind his back. "So I hope you will accept a kings offering of a delicious savory sweet." King gives Luz the container "thank you for the cupcake king, and I forgive you little buddy" Luz says as she neals down and Pets the furry creature. "THE KING DEMANDS BELLY RUBS WHEN HIS LOYAL SERVANT GETS BACK!!" King squealed. Luz chuckles lightly "sure thing king. I got to go I'll see you later" Luz says before walking out the door. Luz closes the door and is immediately tackled with a loud annoying screech, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY LUZZZZZZ hoot hoot" hooty said as he extended his body nuzzling his head into luz's cheek " aww thank you hooty!! How you managed to be the least annoying in this household today is beyond me-" Luz snorted before hooty hit her in the stomach with his head "aCk" she clenches her stomach "IM NEVER ANNOYING!! Hoot hoot" hooty yelled extremely offended. "Ok ok I'm sorry for indirectly calling you annoying" Luz said meekly as she stands Staight. "I got to go to school now I'll see you later hooty!" "Bye luzzzzzz!! Hoot hoot

Please tell me what you think so far! I SWEAR IT WILL GET BETTER!!! It's a little slowburning at the start.okie dokie byeeeeee

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