Dark, Cold, and Alone

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(Tw: Being alone, slight abandonment, unknown narrator, if I start putting spoilers in here would you guys notice?, Dream has a house)

(A/N: Okay, I think I'm at the point where my schedule can come back into play! I'll be working on having chapters regularly for you now! Also, who could this mysterious person be?)

It was dark. Dark and cold. The sky an endless, unchanging black, making the ground seem almost white underneath his feet. A small, shoddily built shack surrounded by more black and some purple.

He doesn't know when he first got here. All he knows is that it's been a while. Exiled by someone who's figure he can't quite recall, sent far away like a toy with no use. Forgotten and abandoned by those he had called his friends.

If only he knew the irony of his situation.

But he did not. He barely could remember what he sounded like, before. After so long of not needing to talk, his voice had faded, all that was left behind a breathless rasping, barely a voice at all.

The clothes he had originally had long since been destroyed, but whether it was his own doing or not was lost to him. In their place were simple black pants and a black shirt, both covered by his beloved black cloak. The cloak could cover his face easily with its hood, not that it would matter. He adored it.

The cloak was the product of his experiences. It showed how hard he had worked to survive. Not to mention how it caught nonexistent light, showing that not all hope was lost.

There was a light in the darkness. He would be found. All he had to do... was wait.

He did not truly know how to do anything else. Not in the blackness.

He faintly remembers vibrant colors, the deep greens of grass, the pale blue of a clear sky. He also remembers feeling safer then. As though there had been threats, but he knew how to deal with them then.

He does not know how to combat the threats in the dark. In the cold.

He prays now to a god, or a goddess, any deity he can, that he would be found soon. But no deity would or could hear him, the only one his voice could reach ignoring him.

It didn't matter if he believed in the gods. He assumed that they simply did not believe in him.

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