He didn't get to finish as a door downstairs opened and a loud laugh echoed. Luther knew that it was rude of him to admit that he didn't care but hearing about someone else's love life wasn't what he wanted to do when the love of his life had just walked in and was married to someone else. "Oh, thank God." He sighs in relief and jumps up from the couch.

Kate poked her head around the corner, hearing laughter coming from further in the safehouse and knew that it couldn't be Luther, Vanya or Diego. "Are they here?"

"Hello?" Allison called, cupping her hands around her mouth so that it echoed louder. "Is anyone here?"

Kate followed the others as they stood against the railing and looked down, sure enough Allison and Klaus were downstairs with Five and they both looked rather drunk. "Oh wow, look at this old stuff." Klaus looked upwards and spotted his siblings watching him, he seemed rather dazed from his drinking as he pondered. "I know this is impossible but did we all get sexier?"

Immediately, everyone rushed down the stairs to greet each other because it had been such a long time since they had seen each other; an emotional reunion for Vanya as well because she didn't even remember her siblings. Allison rushed into Vanya's arms as they shared a sisterly embrace which was gate-crashed by Klaus and Kate stepped forward, feeling awkward to ask but decided that she should before she interrupted their moment. "Can I join?"

"Katy!" Klaus cheered, holding out his arm so that she could join them. "Come on, you're practically our sister now!"

When they pulled away, Kate caught Vanya up to speed on everything with Allison as Diego moved to embrace his brother; he had worried about Klaus in this new world. He knew that his brother was fragile but it seemed that Klaus was doing better than most of them but stunk of alcohol as they pulled away, Diego frowned. "You are drunk."

"Yeah, no, just a little...just a few..."

"Klaus, is Ben here?" Five asked, breaking up the reunion.

"Oh, uh, no, unfortunately ghosts can't time travel." Klaus mumbled, ignoring the glare that Ben gave him as he lied to their siblings.

"Alright then, let's get down to business." He clapped his hands together and they all went upstairs. Allison sat next to Vanya on the couch, Luther sat on the armchair with a drink and Diego leant against the wall with Kate at his side as they watched Klaus pacing the room with a drink in his hand. "Alright, first off, I want to say I'm sorry. I know I really screwed the pooch on this whole going back in time and getting stuck thing. But the real kick in the pants here is we brought the end of the world back here with us."

"Oh my God, again?" Klaus pouts, glancing around the room. "All of you knew? Even Katy?"

"Hey, I was one of the first to know." She defended herself because she had actually helped a lot more than he had so far.

"Why am I always the last one to find out about the end of the – oh my God, my cult is going to be so pissed. Five! I told them we had until 2019."

"We have until Monday; we have six days." Five told them, making the mood sombre again.

"Is it Vanya?" Klaus muttered under his breath as he sipped his drink and Allison glared at him. "Klaus!" He shrugged at her outburst because he had reason to blame her. "What? It's usually Vanya."

"Do you have any leads Five?" Vanya asked her brother, wanting to take the heat off her.

Diego hands the file to his brother as Five passes it around the room. "Yeah, we have one."

"Holy shit, is that dad?" Allison's eyes widened as she pulled out the photograph that had been taken from the Frankel Footage.

Vanya peers at the photograph, wondering what he may look like and wanted to take a better look. "That's him?"

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