"I was getting my ass handed to me back there. You helped Five, not me, why?"

"Because he's a kid and you're a man. Bloody act like one." She snapped at him which caused him to walk away from her, moving in the direction that the others had gone. Lila realised that she had messed up and tried to call out for him. "Diego-"

"You know what?" He snapped, turning to face her and warning her with a shaking finger. "I'm used to dealing with liars, Lila but I like it better when I know what they're lying about. Stay away from my family."

Lila panics and continues to call for him but Diego ignores her and makes it back to the others. Despite feeling good that Diego had chosen her over Lila, Kate toned down her cockiness and stayed quiet. She held his hand as they made it back to the safehouse and didn't make any comments which would upset him. They were dealing with a lot right now, not only was it the end of the world but Diego had also just lost the only friend that he had made recently and she understood that he was hurting. What they weren't expecting when they returned to the safehouse was Luther, sitting at the table in a robe and tucking into a large plate of scrambled eggs.

"No, no, no I don't understand." Diego was rambling on, not too happy that they had once again been found by the Swedes as they seemed to be everywhere. "They keep following me."

"Wait, who?" Luther questioned, trying to catch up on what he had missed. He had only just decided to re-join the team and help stop the end of the world so he didn't know everything that had been happening but they were glad that he was back.

"Those Dutch sociopaths."

"They're Swedish, you idiot." Five groaned at his brother, before explaining to them all about the Swedes as he seemed to know more about them than anyone else did. "Hired guns paid to eradicate us before we do any more damage to this timeline."

Diego sighed, running his hands through his hair. "Yeah, but why now? I mean, I'm fine for three months until you showed up."

"Yeah, I was here for a year and no one messed with me."

"Nothing really happened until you came back." Kate agreed, she had talked to Allison but nothing had actually happened until Five zapped himself into her kitchen. Until then, everything had been completely normal and she hadn't even thought about seeing the siblings again as they had all moved on with their own lives.

Five shrugged at them, not wanting to take blame for the end of the world. "Even if it was my fault, which it isn't, we only have six days before the end of the world and the closest anyone's gotten to Dad was that driveway at the consulate."

"Well, that's not exactly true..." Luther trailed off, shovelling his eggs into his mouth.

"What do you mean?" Five asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I saw him."

Luther told them the story about when he saw his father and they all seemed worried for him when he finished. It seemed that bumping into their father was just doing more harm than good because even in the sixties, he wasn't much help. Kate was just glad that she hadn't met him when he was still alive in the future because she definitely wouldn't have liked him, she was glad that she met Grace because Diego loved her as his mother but he didn't want her around a man like Reginald Hargreeves. As much as the story was humiliating for Luther, it helped the others to understand just how much he had been struggling since he landed in Dallas but his brother seemed to find the whole thing more entertaining than heart-breaking.

"That's pathetic." Diego couldn't help but chuckle at his brother's misfortune.

Kate gasped and nudged his arm, not wanting to sound horrible when Luther had told them something meaningful and secretive. "Don't be rude."

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