𝟚𝟙 - ℍ𝕖𝕣𝕠 ℕ𝕒𝕞𝕖𝕤

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2 days later
at UA

People are talking about being recognized from the sports festival but I'm too lost in thought to engage in conversation. Yesterday was pretty boring compared to the day before, but ever since I hung out at the mall with my friends, something about me feels different. I find myself thinking about Katsuki kind of often, it's weird. I just want him out of my head.

"Morning." Mr. Aizawa says as he walks in.

"Good Morning!" We all say.

"Today we will be having a class on hero informatics. You'll be choosing your code names, your hero identities."Aizawa announces. Ooh hero names! "This has to do with your internships that are coming up. Normally students don't have to do internships until their 2nd or 3rd year, but this year it's different. The hero's that take you under their wing can drop you at any time, essentially they are investing in your potential."

"So what you're saying is that we need to prove our worth even after we get the internship?" Hagakure asks.

"Exactly. Now here are the totals for those of you who got offers." Aizawa hits a button and the numbers show up on a board.

4123 - Shoto Todoroki

3894 - Y/n L/n

3556 - Katsuki Bakugo

360 - FumikageTokoyami

301 - Tenya Iida

272 - Denki Kaminari

108 - Momo Yaoyarozu

68 - Ochako Uraraka

20 - Ejiro Kirishima

14 - Hanta Sero

AYYYYEEEE second place baby.

"In past years it has been more spread out." Aizawa tells us.

"That's no fair." Kaminari complains.

"Todoroki and Y/n got more than Bakugo?" Jiro says confused.

"Yeah, it's different than how they placed in the festival." Kirishima comments.

"They probably didn't want to work with his personality." Sero points out.


"You call people weak for the smallest things." I complain. People continue to comment on the results.

"Settle down everyone, despite the results everybody will be interning with a pro." Aizawa deadpans.

"Which is why we need hero names!" Uraraka cheers.

"Yes, although the names probably won't be permanent, if you don't take this seriously-" Aizawa starts.

"You'll have hell to pay later." Midnight finishes. They talk about how we need to think about a name that will represent us and stuff. We get boards and dry erase markers to write our new hero identities on. What is water and healing related? I want my name to relate to both of those things. "Now students, who is ready to share?" Midnight asks and Aoyama walks up.

"The shining hero: I can not stop twinkling!" He exclaims. That's a whole ass sentence.
Midnight just shortens it to 'Can't Stop Twinkling' still kind of weird but it's whatever.

"Let me go next! My name is Alien Queen!" Mina cheers. Midnight declines and leaves Mina disappointed. Okay back to my name, something that has to do with water and healing... ooh crystals heal, right? Celestite is a crystal that's kind of blue, like water is. That should work... I think. I write it down on my board.

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