Chapter 1- Jennie's back

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Jennie POV

When did things go wrong? we are so perfect, we love each other.

But now I'm chasing the woman I love, who is running to the field as the clouds are getting darker and there is no one around to mind.

"I waited for you, Jennie!" she yelled as her anger is visible through her face.

"I told you I'm not coming!!" I yelled back, "Why are you making this a big deal! You always make things a big deal!"

"I told you that I will wait for you!!" she groan as tears are now visible in her eyes.

"You know that I need to meet my other friends that day," I gritted my teeth cause I cannot take her immaturity anymore. 

My other friends are Irene and Nayeon which our friendship began because of a class activity, we just clicked together, but from that day, my girlfriend began to become uptight, "You are always like this when I'm going out with my other friends! Why?" I softly said while she sighed.

"I'm always following you, why can't you follow me?" my girlfriend painfully said. "Just once, I didn't mean to need you that day, that day that you have to be with your friends,"

"Are you kidding me?!" I scoff, "You always make excuses to be with me every time they are calling me for a friendly date,"

"Friendly date? do you call that a friendly date? It is more like Double date, Jennie! can you hear yourself?! since when did you like guys?" She sarcastically said. "Why can't you just tell them that you have a girlfriend that needs you?"

I sighed and shook my head in disappointment. "Do you think I will cheat on you?"

"That's what I'm feeling, J," she mumbled.

"They know that I'm not up to dating, that I'm taken by someone I'm still not ready to Introduce! but I still want to go with them, they are good people. I like them to be my friend, and it is not them who always bring the other guy. It is the guys who keep appearing." I explained.

"I still don't want you to go with them!" she shouted. "And I don't care anymore! my point is I needed you that day,"

"You keep saying that! I have enough of it! it is your other way to say don't go with your friends!!" I balled my fist.

"My parents are so tight with me, they always take my freedom, and now you? you're not even my blood!!"

"I want a life, Chaeyoung," I was also shocked with my words which made my girlfriend step back a little.

I saw her tearing while we are in the middle of the field letting every single drop of rain touch our skin.

"Break up with me," I felt my heart stung not minding if the rain will make me sick after this.

I looked at her painfully as tears began to form in my eyes. Since when did things go wrong? We are not like this before.

"Break up with me, Jennie," She repeated but I kept silent as I am afraid that I will break down anytime. I feel like my world just stopped while processing her words.

"Why can't you?" I choked but she just looked away and heaved a sigh.

"I.. I can't do it," she stutter, " Aren't you tired?"

"I am. We are not happy anymore," I said as I saw her head slowly nod trying to breathe to let all the tension down. "We keep arguing with the same thing,"

"But let's fix this, Rosie, please," I tried to step forward but she just stepped backward, not letting me go near her.

"Let's not destroy each other anymore," She wiped her tears just to be changed by raindrops.

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