It is a picture of me and Maggie. My father took the photo. It's the two of us swimming in the indoor pool at my old house. She's got a cute plaid two piece on that has ruffles and is red and white. She was maybe eight months old in this photo. It was her first time ever swimming. In the photo it is me holding her and she has the biggest smile on her face. She looked so happy. I looked at myself, a young adult who had just taken over his mafia. There he is smiling looking like the proudest motherfucker on earth at his happy baby girl. I remember that day perfectly. Marco, my father, and myself were all chilling when I read an article saying swimming is good for babies. Then, in less than ten minutes we were in the pool.

My chest aches knowing this photo was taken around fourteen years ago. She would be fifteen right now. I would have her enrolled in tenth grade and she would be studying, I would also sign her up for any activity she wants, whether it be a sport or a hobbie I would do whatever made her happy.

God she would have been so spoiled.

I like to think she is living a good life, with two loving parents, a cozy home and even a dog. I like to think she has friends and excels in everything she does. I like to think she is happy and healthy, safe and sound.

That's what keeps me going. Those thoughts.

I never stopped looking for her. It was like she disappeared off the face of the earth. Like she was a dream rather than a memory. She wasn't with me for long and I would give anything to see her again.

I miss her.

Knowing that I have work to do however I turn away from the photo and continue work just hoping the day will end sooner rather than later that way I could go home and mope.


After two meetings, a million phone calls, and even more emails I am finally done work today and luckily all before six pm. I honestly think that's a new record. I pack my things up and grab any papers I might need over the night and leave my office. Sheila says goodnight to me and I wish her one as well before stepping into the elevator. When it dings and reaches the main level I step out and the whole lobby quiets d0wn. Everyone's heads are bowed and I ignore all of their existences.

People stopped talking because everyone knows how much I hate noise. I absolutely despise it. I like everything quiet. Whether it be my car or my lobby whenever I enter an area it is known to quiet down if they dont want to meet my wrath.

The car ride home is silent just the way I like it. However the peaceful silence was interrupted when a loud ass ringer goes through the speakers of my car.

"Oh for fucks sake." I grumble before accepting the call from my steering wheel. "What?"

"Hello there my name is Officer Reynolds is this Leonardo Giovanni speaking?"

"Yes it is, why are you calling me?"

"I believe I have your daughter here in custody. Her name is Maggie, would you know her by any chance?" He speaks in a hopeful voice and for the first time in a long long time I start to feel hopeful as well. This could really be my Maggie.

"I do have a daughter named Maggie Giovanni, she was taken from me years ago. Are you sure its her?"

"Her birthday is February 24th 2006. She's fifteen years old."

"Holy shit, yeah that's her. Wait custody?"

"Yes, would you like to take guardianship over her? It appears her mother is absent."

"Yes of course, tell me the address and I will be there by tomorrow."

"Perfect." Officer Reynolds then proceeds to tell me the address and we hang up. I call my pilot and head straight to the airport. In my car I always have a 'go' bag just in case for times like this.

I can't believe in a few hours I will see my lost child. I will see my Maggie. My only question is how the hell did she end up in custody? I mean the girl I remember was an angel. Well she was a baby, she's grown now. She's probably a shit maker that will make my life more stressful. But at the end of the day? I honestly couldn't give two shits if she's a convicted murderer. I am just glad to have my baby back.


Reaching the police station I take a deep breath before walking in. Whatever trouble Maggie got herself into I will need to advocate for her and keep the intimidating facade up so people will continue to treat myself as someone important and not t0 mess with. I walk up to the front desk looking at the short chubby man behind the counter. The man however doesn't look up at me and that almost sets me off. Almost. But if Maggie is in a lot of trouble it will be in her best interest if I play nice with these people. So going against my own rules I speak to the man who actively continues to ignore my presence.

"I spoke with Officer Reynolds last night, my name is Leonardo Giovanni, I am here for my daughter Maggie Giovanni."

"Mr. Giovanni!" A voice interrupts the secretary from responding. "My names Ray Reynolds, come on let's have a talk." An older greying man with a police badge walks up to me sticking out his hand. I nod and shake his hand before following him to what looks like his office.

"Okay I am just going to cut to the chase, your daughter has been sitting in one of our overnight cells since about nine o'clock last night, she was caught again stealing from a Walmart, she stole basic stuff like feminine hygiene products, some food, and even a few clothing items. Typically seeing as she's a kid we would just take the stuff from her and give her a warning. However this is the third time this month she has been caught. The other two was an assault on a teacher at her school which she later dropped out from and the other one was a drug bust."

Damn, she's a total shit maker. Like father like daughter. I am not even mad about the first two, clearly she had her reasons. I am however concerned and slighting mad about the drugs. No father wants to hear his daughter is a drug dealer.

"However she is a very sweet girl, super talkative and friendly, but just an overall nice girl. We kept her overnight because I wanted to search the data base for her father. Currently from my knowledge her mother is not around and although Maggie has said she's been on a fender or whatever we both know she's lying. Something is up, she's not telling the whole story and I truly believe her mother is gone for good. Her mother needs to pay up for a lot of her crimes she committed and I need Maggie to tell me where she is. If she knows that she might have someone to lean back on maybe she will just spill the beans."

"Alright then lets get it out of her."

Reynolds nods and he leads me to the interrogation room. I look at her through the one way glass. Her heads down but I can see she is small. She has a very long brown hair and I can see her leg bouncing up and down under the table rapidly. As we walk into the room she doesn't lift her head. It isn't until I sit down next to Reynolds that she looks up and damn I was shocked.

She's an exact replica of me.

Same eyes, same nose, same face. My Maggie, sitting right in front of me looking at me with her massive doe eyes all confused. The same look she had when she was a baby.

My Maggie is back.


In the next chapter they will finally officially meet.

Please let me know if you are enjoying so far! I would love to hear feedback on this story and if there are any spelling or grammar errors let me know!

Lots of love 💕

MaggieTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang