GSS Chapter 2: A tour through a lane of memories. Good and Bad.

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"While the Royal Academy's library is quite expansive, this place has some fairly rare medicine tomes that helped me with my studies back then, so I used to come here fairly often. And the fact that there are no crowds here was something I really appreciated."

"Hooh? And here I thought that you thrived in crowds, my lovely clearing. After all, you handled yourself more than well in the ball, so much so that the crowd immediately made way for you the moment you spoke up."

"Huhu~, it is as you say, Auros. I do not dislike crowds, on the contrary, I very much enjoy being in that sort of situation. But back then it was more of a matter of me being able to focus more easily here than there."

"I see."

So said Auros as she and Gabrielle walked around such library's halls, the unique scent of well-preserved, yet old books bringing nostalgia not only to the latter...

"This reminds me of my Father's office."

...but also, the former.

"Oh my, this is the first time since we met that you mention any of your parents. Do you want to talk about him?"

"Hmph, there is not much to say..."

Preferring to talk about Gabrielle or herself, Auros was about to change the subject, but she found herself pausing for a moment as she turned to her date and saw the genuine interest that filled her expression, an interest to know more about her as a person. As such, she gave up on changing the subject and–letting herself be taken by the nostalgia–went with the following:

"...but his study was like this place, with many, many shelves filled with old books and him seated in the deepest part of it, working or just...immersed in those old pages just for the fun of it."

As she said that, she could clearly see the figure of her father at the end of the hall she and Gabrielle were walking in, looking for the next book he was going to throw himself into. And there, right beside him, was a small Auros, looking up at their father like any other kid would, with an innocent love in their eyes and a desire to have fun with such parent in their heart.

"If he was there that is..."

Or at least that was the case for a time, but just as the figure at the end of the hall, such thing faded away and gave way to...the complicated feelings the years might pile up on someone.

"...what was the first story I ever read in my life that pulled me in and did not let go until I finished it was in that study. You could say that it was the first time I went into another world...or as much as a book would let you. Heh, now that I remember, he would sometimes find me reading that one and he would take the book off my hands before reading the rest of the chapter to me while trying his best to do the voices of all the characters."

Surprised that she spoke of that certain memory without thinking, Auros could not help but raise her eyebrows and show a complex expression on her face, as such seemingly innocent memory served as a reminder of both presence and absence. But then...

"My, that sounds a lot like what you do with Ilya and Celesia. Although, you go a step further and even try to act out the scenes. To a varying degree of success, if I may, uhuhu~."

...that complex expression slowly disappeared with what Gabrielle said and the memories such words brought forth, even if those were recent, that happiness was more than real, and it held more weight in her heart than those other feelings. Thus, she smiled and nodded before replying.

"Yes...but enough about him. Today is about you and me. That said...I promise I shall tell you more about him and the rest of my family when the time is right, Gabby."

In another world as my waifu #1: Brave New World and the Fallen Prince(ss)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang