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Billy and I sat in the car while Stu went into the store. It took ten minutes just to get him to go in. "Why can't you go get it?" He whined. "Because, Stu, I'm only sixteen and you're eighteen. Just go, please! Ask for the morning after pill. They aren't going to question you," I said. Eventually he got out of the car and went into the store. 

"So, you guys finally did it huh?" Billy said from the back seat. A turned in my seat to look at him. "Not that it's any of your business. And I'm sure Stu tells you everything, but yes. And he didn't remember a condom," I said. "Why does it have to be his responsibility? You're just as much to blame," he said. I wanted to argue but he was right. I rolled my eyes and sighed. "Yeah. I guess it was just the whole, caught in the moment thing," I said. "Maybe you should talk to your sister about being more open with sex," he said. 

"Billy. Come on. Don't," I told him. "I'm just saying. We were all hot and heavy two years ago. We were good but then-- and she just shut me out," he said. "Our mother was raped and murdered, Billy. What do you want her to do?" I asked. "You didn't shut Stu out. Why?" He asked. I didn't say anything. Not knowing how to react at first. "I was just as supportive towards Sid as he was with you," Billy continued. I bit my lip debating on if I should tell him why I didn't close off like my sister. "What I tell you, you can't mention it to Sid. She would be so pissed," I told him. He nodded his head so I went on to continue. 

The driver's side door opened, Stu got in and handed me a bottle of water and the package the pill was in. I popped it in my mouth and chased it down with the water before looking back at Billy. "I don't-- I don't think our mom was raped. I think it's true that she was having an affair. She always had an excuse to go into the city while our dad was on one of his Expos. The rumors of her sleeping around, I believe are true. I'm not even sure if Cotton is the actual killer. I think he might have just been framed because he was her newest fling," I shrugged. Billy looked at, eyebrows raised. Stu looked at me then back at Billy. "Can we go now?" I asked. Stu started the car and drove off to school. 

When we got to the school the news vans were still everywhere. "Fuck me," I whispered. "I did... last night," Stu laughed. I turned my head and glared at me. "Sorry," he said and got out of the car. I took a deep breath before getting out, throwing my bag on my shoulder. Billy got out and walked ahead of us. Stu grabbed my hand, pulled me closer to him while we walked towards the school. As we walked by I noticed Sidney talking to Gale. "Y/N! Y/N!" My name was being called by reporters trying to get their story. Stu moved me in front of him and pushed me towards the door. I didn't let out the breath I was holding until we were inside.  

After our first and second classes Stu, Me, Tatum, and Sidney stood by the lockers. "This is a mistake, I shouldn't be here. We shouldn't be here," Sidney said, closing her locker. Tatum stood beside her open locker, lollipop in her mouth. I stood in front of my open locker, Stu leaning on the lockers beside mine. "I want you to meet right here after class, okay, Sid?" Tatum told her. She turned around telling Tatum she would. Stu dug into my locker, pulling a mirror out when Sid asked, "they, I haven't seen Billy around. Is he still pissed?" I looked over at her about to say something but Stu cut me off. 

"Oh, you mean after you branded him the Candyman? No, his heart's broken. Ow!" He said as I turned around and hit me. There was a scream from down the hall. Turning to see who It was, someone ran down the hall jumping at me and Sidney while wearing the same costume as the killer. "Real fucking mature, asshole!" I yelled. Sidney look shaken up. The bell rang indicating it was time to get to class. Stu was behind me laughing. I turned around and hit him. "Ow! Ow! What?" He asked. "What is your fucking problem?!" I asked.

"Are you kidding me? Look at this place. It's like Christmas," he said. "Stupidity leak!" Tatum said as she called for Sidney. She had turned around and ran down the hall. "Sid!" I called after her. I turned around hitting Stu yet again. "Seriously?! I swear that brain of yours is leaking!" I said angrily. "Ow! I'm Sorry!" He laughed. Tatum rolled her eyes, "I'll see you later." The she walked off to class. I sgut my locker and walked off. "Babe! Wait up!" Stu called running after me. He grabbed my wrist, turning me to look at him. "I'm sorry. Okay? I'm Sorry," he said, pouting. "You really need to think before you speak," I told him. "I know," he mumbled. 

I saw Sidney talking to Bully but then ran off to the bathroom. "I'll see you after class," I told Stu. He leaned down, kissed me then walked off to class. I walked past Billy, who looked at me. I gave him a sad smile before heading to the bathroom. I pushed the door open but stopped when I heard a voice. 

"They were never attacked. I think they made it all up." 

"Why would they'll about it?" 

"For attention! They both have some serious issues." 

The toilet flushed and the voices got a little closer as the sink turned on. They were talking about Sidney and I. "And what if they did it. What if Sidney and y/n killed Casey and Steve?" 

"Why would they do that?" 

"Maybe Sidney has the hots for Steve or they both did. So they killed them both in a jealous rage." 

"What would either of them want with Steve? Sidney has her own bubble butt boyfriend Billy. And y/n has Stu."

"Well, I mean Stu used to date Casey. Maybe y/n was jealous of her or something. Or maybe they're both sluts like their mother." 

"You're evil." 

"Please, it's a common fact. Their mother was a tramp." 

"Cut some slack. They watched her mom get butchered." 

I had had enough of hearing these two girls talk, especially knowing Sid was in there with them. So I walked into the bathroom.

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