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Sidney and I sat beside Dewey's desk. "Are you sure it was the Hilton?" He asked. Sidney nodded her head, "Yeah. By the airport," she said. "Is it possible that he could be staying somewhere else?" He asked. "Maybe," she told him. "Don't worry, girls, we'll find him," he said. Another officer came up and sat a paper in front of him and he excused himself. I was looking over at Billy who was sitting In Officer Burke's office with his dad. He looked back at Sidney and I. I heard Sidney let out a sigh. Billy looked me in the eye pleading for me to talk to Sidney. I just didn't know what to believe. If I was being honest I could see Billy being the killer. 

*Excusing your sister's boyfriend for being a killer. How nice of you y/n.* 

He was always a bit weird. He did some sketchy shit. You wouldn't notice it if you didn't know what to look for. But I'm the kind of person who observes people. And Billy has been acting strange since last year. It's not too much of a difference but it was enough for me to catch. The same with Stu, there has been little changes. I often catch them giving each other little signals. It's like they're having a full conversation without making a sound. 

I turned away from Billy and stood up. I stretched out my limbs and paced back and forth. I had told Randy to go home and I would be fine. He was a little reluctant at first but nodded his head, gave me and Sid a hug and left. There was only one other person besides our dad that I wanted. I picked the phone up off the receiver on Dewey's desk. "What're you doing?" Sidney asked. "Calling Stu," I told her. I dialed his number and waited. It rang like five times before he picked the phone up. In a groggy voice he answered, "Hello?" I feel bad now. It sounded like he was sleeping. "Stu," I said softly. 

My voice must have knocked him out of the sleepy state he was in. "Babe? What's wrong?" He asked, now fully awake. "Can you come get me?" I asked. "Yeah. I thought Randy was coming over?" He asked. "I'm not at home," I said. I took a deep breath then said, "I'm at the police station." I could hear him stumbling around his room. "Why are you at the station? Are you okay? What happened?" He asked. "I'm fine. Both of us are. The-- the killer was in the house tonight, Stu," I said. I heard a thud then a "fuck!" From Stu. There was rustling on the other end before he finally said, "I'm on my way, baby. I'll be there in 20 minutes." 

I looked over as they brought Billy out. "Sid! Sidney! Look at me, Sid! I didn't do it," he struggled, trying to get her attention. "Was the Billy?" I heard Stu ask. "Umm. Yeah. He showed up at Sid's window a few seconds after the killer disappeared. A cell phone dropped out onto the floor," I told him. "You really don't think Billy would do that do you?" He asked. "I don't know. I'm still trying to process. Can you come pick me please. I want to stay with you," I said. "Yeah, baby, I'm on my way. I love you," he said. "I love you, too," I said and hung up. 

Tatum came over to us after Billy and the officers passed her. "Come on, let's get out of here," she said. "Stu is coming to pick me up," I said. Sidney turned to look at me. "Are you sure?" She asked. "I'll be fine, Sid," I told her. "Are you sure you don't want to stay with me?" She asked. "Sid, I'm fine. Stu isn't going to let anything happen to me and I doubt the killer is going to come back for a second round tonight," I told her. "Yeah, because he's locked up," Tatum said. 

We walked towards Dewey, who was talking to Sheriff Burke. "Can we go now?" Tatum asked. "One second," he told her. "Now, Dewey!" She said.

 "What did mom tell you? She said when I'm wearing this badge, you treat me like a man of the law," Dewey told her. "I'm sorry Deputy Dewey-Boy but, we are ready to go now ok?" Tatum said. 

The other officers laughed at their bickering and Sheriff Burke said, "Take them out the back way to avoid that circus out there." Dewey said, "Come on." He went to grab Tatum but she pulled away from him. "Don’t touch me." Dewey looked at her as he led us to the door. "That was my superior," he told her. Tatum rolled her eyes and said, "The janitor's your superior." More of the Police Officers chuckle at Tatum treating Deputy Dewey like a little boy.  Sheriff Burke chuckled and said, "Let’s get back to work! Back outside." 

Sidney, Tatum, me, and Dewey come out of the Police Station in a dark alley... Dewey turns to us saying, "You guys stay here, I’m going to get the car. Don’t move, Don’t make a sound." 

"There they are, Sidney! Y/N! Hi! That’s some night. What happened? Are you alright?" She asked, shoving her mic in our faces. Tatum stepped in saying, "They're not answering any questions. Just leave us alone." Sidney pushed through Tatum to Gale and said, "No Tatum. It’s okay. She’s just doing her job. Right Gale?" Gale smiled, "Yes, that’s right." Sidney looked back at me then to Gale again asking, "How’s the book?" Gale smiling wider said, "Well, it’ll be out later this year." Sidney nodded her head "’ll look for it." I just glared at her. We went to turn around when Gale opened her big mouth. "I’ll send you both a copy!" That pissed me off. I turned around and punched Gale, she fell backwards into her cameraman. He said, "Jeez. Nice Shot." 

Ypu fucking Bitch!" I growled, going to jump at her to hit her again but arms wrapped around my waist and I was hauled up over someone's shoulder. "That's enough for one night," I heard Stu chuckle. Sidney glared at Gale while Tatum put her arm around her shoulder. Dewey came over and guided them to his jeep. "You have her?" He asked Stu. "Yeah. She's in good hands," he laughed. "Put me down!" I yelled. A large hand landed on my ass making me yelp. "Behave!" He laughed out loud. I rolled my eyes but stopped struggling. 

He finally put me on my feet and opened the passenger door of his car. "After you m'lady," he said. "Fuck you," I mumbled. I got in and he shut the door laughing. I slouched in my seat as he got into the driver's seat and started the car, pulling out of the station parking lot. 

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