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Thursday 8:00 p.m.

October 19, 1996

I got up in the morning, showered, did my morning routine, and got dressed. I grabbed my bag and ran down the stairs. Sidney was already down there eating a bowl of cereal. I grabbed a bowl and joined her. After we finished and washed our bowls the bus was outside.

Getting off the bus and walking towards the school I turned around looking at all the reporters in front of the school. "Can you believe this shit?" Tatum appeared beside us. "What's going on?" I asked. "You don't know? Casey Becker and Steve Orth were killed last night," Tatum told us. "What?" Sidney and I said at the same time. "Yeah. And we're not just talking about killing. We're talking splatter-movie killed. Ripped open from end to end," she said. "Oh, my god," I mumbled. "Casey Becker, she sits next to me in English," Sidney said. "Not any more," I told her.

"It's so sad. Her mom and dad, they found her hanging from a tree, her insides on the outside," Tatum said. "My God! Do they know who did it?" Sidney asked. "Fucking clueless. I mean, they're interrogating the entire school. Teachers, students, janitors," she said. "They think it's school-related?" I asked. "They don't know. I mean, Dewey was saying this is the worst crime they've seen in years. Even worse than--" Tatum said but stopped herself "Well, it's bad." I knew what she was going to say. It's the worst murder since our mom was killed. Sidney was still sensitive about the subject. I was kinda just numb. I had the tendency to block my emotions out. I bottle everything up until that bottle explodes all at once.

We walked into school and up the stairs to our lockers. Tatum, Sid, and I were all beside each other. Tatum was in the middle of me and Sidney. "This is insane. Who would want them dead?" I asked opening my locker. "Do they have any kind of guess as to why this happened?" Sidney said. "No. Dewey said there just interviewing everyone they can," Tatum told her. Billy came walking up behind Sidney. "Hey," Sid turned around and gave him a kiss. I felt arms wrap around my waist and I smiled. "Good morning, beautiful," Stu said m, kissing my neck. "Can you believe this?" We all looked to see Randy walking up to us. "You're not going to start on your whole this is classic horror movie shit are you?" I asked. "Oh, come on, y/n/n! They were--" he started but the bell rang. "Oh. Look at that! Save by the bell," I smiled. I shut my locker, grabbed Stu's hand and went towards my History class.

I sat at my desk trying to listen to what Mr. Stone was talking about. Another student came in, handed him a piece of paper and left. "Y/N, they need you in the office," he said. I gathered my stuff and walked out of the room. I stopped by my locker real quick to drop my books off before going downstairs. I went to the office to see Sidney walking towards the door. "Sid!" I called out. She stopped and looked at me. "Hey, they called you too?" She asked. "Yeah. I guess they decided to kill two birds with one stone," I said. She looked at me and shrugged. "Sorry. Bad expression," I mumbled.

We walked into Mr. Himbery's office. "Sidney. Y/N, take a seat," he said. The sheriff and Dewey were there as well. Sidney and I sat down beside each other. "Hi, Sidney. Y/N," the sheriff greeted. "Sheriff Burke, Dewey," Sidney said. "Uh, that's Deputy Riley today, Sid," Dewey said. I raised my eyebrow at him. "How is everything?" Sheriff Burke asked. "Good," Sidney said.

"And your dad? How's he doing?"

"We're fine. Thanks," I told him.

"We're gonna keep this very brief, girls. The police just want to ask you a few questions. You okay?" Himbrey asked. We both nodded.

"Sidney, were you very close to Casey Becker?"

"No. I sat beside her in English," she told him.

"What about you, y/n?"

"Umm. No. I never really talked to her. Maybe a hi once," I told him. He asked a few more questions before letting us go.

Sidney and I walked out and let up with the others at the fountain in the courtyard. "How many questions did they ask you guys?" Tatum asked. Billy was laying on his back with on of his legs propped up and the other handing over the side with Sidney sitting between them. Tatum sat beside her. I sat between Stu's legs on the other side of Tatum. And Randy was sitting on the other side of me and Stu. "Well, they asked us if we knew Casey," Sidney said. "Yeah. They asked me that, too."

"They ask you if you like to hunt?" Stu asked Billy. "Yeah. Did they ask you?" Billy responded. "Hunt. Why would they ask you if you like to hunt?" Tatum asked. " 'Cause their bodies were gutted," Randy said. "Thank you, Randy," Billy said. "They didn't ask me if I like to hunt," Tatum said, popping a grape into her mouth. " 'Cause there's no way a girl could be killed 'em," Stu said. I looked up at him. "This is do sexist," I said. "The killer could easily be female. Basic Instinct," Tatum said. "That was an Ice pick. Not exactly the same thing," Randy said. "Yeah, Casey and Steve were completely hollowed out. And the fact is, it takes a man to do something like that," Stu said.

"Or a man's mentality," I told him. He smiled and kissed me. "How do you... gut someone?" Sidney asked. Her voice was shaky. I looked over to see she was looking down. It was silent for a few seconds before Stu opened his mouth. "You take a knife, and you slit 'em from groin to sternum," He said. I looked at him in shock and shook my head. I elbowed him in the stomach making him groan out. "Hey, it's called tact, you fuck rag," Billy said, looking at him. "Hey, Stu, didn't you use to date Casey?" Sidney asked. "Yeah, last year," I said. "For two seconds," he said. "Before she bumped him for Steve," Randy said, getting to my face. I pushed him away and looked at Stu. "I thought you dumped her for me?" I said. "I did, baby! He's full of shit," Stu said glaring at Randy.

"And are the police aware that you dated the victim?" Randy asked. "Hey, what're you saying? That I killed her?" Stu asked. "It would certainly improve your high school 'Q'," Randy said. "Stu was with me last night," I said, looking at Randy. "Yeah, I was," Stu said, wrapping his arms around my waist and kissed my neck. "Oh. Was that before or after he sliced and diced?" Randy asked. I pushed Randy's shoulder and he laughed. "Fuck you, nutcase, where were you last night?" Tatum asked. "Working, thank you. Ask y/n she was there too," Randy told her. "Oh. At the video store? I thought you got fired, your sorry ass," she said. "He did. Twice," I laughed.

"I didn't kill anybody," Stu said. "No one said you did," Billy said. I looked over to see him raise his brows and give Stu a pointed look. "Thanks, buddy!" Stu said. I kissed his cheek and he smiled at me. "Besides, it takes a man to do something like that," Randy said, imitating Stu. "Yo, I'm going to hit your ass in a second, kid," Stu said, smiling at him. "Tell me something. Did you really put her liver in the mailbox? 'Cause I heard they found her liver in the mailbox next to her spleen and pancreas,'' Randy said, imitating Jerry Lewis. "Randy, you goon! Fuck! I'm trying to eat here," Tatum said. "She's getting mad, right. You better "liver" alone.

Sidney sat up and grabbed her bag, giving Billy a kiss before walking away. "Sid!" I yelled. "I'm fine. I'll see you at home!" She said. Stu laughed at him own stupid joke. "Liver alone! Liv--ow!" Stu said, after Billy punched him. "Liver. Liver. It was a joke!" He said.

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