"And about the stabbing, I'm surprised he waited this long." Five spat at his brother. "We've all had the urge."

Lila laughs loudly which breaks the silence of the room and raises her hand for a high-five. "Good one."

Five ignores her which forces Kate to cover her mouth so that she wouldn't laugh out loud; she was glad that she wasn't the only one who hated Lila. "Good thing I know where dad's going to be tonight."

He hands a piece of paper to Diego. "Where did you get this?"

"Found it at his office while he was busy stabbing you."

Laughing sarcastically at the comment, he begins to read the invitation aloud as Kate reads it over his shoulder. "Hoyt Hillenkoetter and the Consulate General of Mexico in Dallas cordially invite you to a gala."

"Whoa, wait, Hoyt Hillenkoetter?" Elliot appeared in the doorway, his eyes wide in shock as he stares between them. "Are you serious?"

"Do you know him?" Five questioned, glad that Elliot could be of service in more than one way.

Lila snatched the invite away from Kate and reads it, interrupting the conversation between Five and Elliot. "We should go, there's going to be a seafood tower."

"We're going. Not you."

"No, uh, Hillenkoetter is one of the Majestic Twelve." Elliot explained, trying to ignore the awkwardness that had started between Five and Lila.

"What the hell is the Majestic Twelve?" Diego questioned, none of them had heard of it before and wondered what Reginald Hargreeves had to do with this Majestic Twelve.

"It's a secret committee." Elliot answers as he goes to his desk and starts rummaging around, stumbling over his words as he tries to explain it. "Uh, scientists, military, deep state. No one knows what they really do."

"Wait, so they're government?" Diego sits up, listening intently now that he realises that this could be something serious and not just a nerdy thing that Elliot knows.

"Shadow government. Kennedy was the first President to try and push them into the light but these guys are not to be trifled with. Oh, here we go." He hands the photograph over to Kate and points out the man that he was talking about. "Right here, that's Hoyt right there."

"I only count eleven." Kate said, taking another look at the photograph and Diego looks over her shoulder to double check.

"Well, that's because they've only identified eleven so far."

"Who's the twelfth?" Diego asked but it seemed that Kate was already one step ahead of that because she had an idea about who the missing twelfth could be. "I think we already know the answer to that one."


The four get ready for the gala because this was their chance to corner Reginald and overhear a meeting from the Majestic Twelve which could have something to do with the end of the world. Five decided that getting ready meant that he kept his usual blazer on and didn't even style his hair differently but the others took their appearances seriously. Lila was wearing a green dress with a pair of red high-heeled shoes and had combed her hair for this event. Kate wore a maroon dress with matching shoes and had pulled her hair back out of her face, she had managed to convince Diego to wear a suit but he wouldn't let her attempt to brush his hair. She managed to brush one side but he was wining so much that she gave up and let him keep it as wild as usual. They weren't going to be able to just walk in with the other guests so they had to sneak in and Diego led them through the grounds, hiding behind one of the many parked cars.

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