𝖛𝖎. mischief untethered (again)

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Track Six: How to Dream, Sam Phillips 

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Track Six: How to Dream, Sam Phillips 

   𝕮irce was determined that the first years were fire-filled, hell-wrought little gremlin-like creatures. She was fuming as she sat trying to keep her breathing calm. Every time she hiccuped, Professor Moody shot her another sharp glare. Earlier in the morning, Este had appeared outside the Hufflepuff common room, waiting with a sweet angel-like smile and placid disposition. Circe had shown her the direction to the common room the first night after sorting just in case she'd ever needed to find Circe (plus, she adored Cheese and loved to play with him whenever she'd visit). So, when Este gave Circe some candy she allegedly received from her Gryffindor friends she accepted it graciously, giving the tiny first year a portion to share. When Este refused it, the girl thought nothing of it. Most likely, she'd had some on her way over to the common room. Unfortunately, Circe was wrong and was instead the first of many unsuspecting Wizarding Wheezes test subjects. Este had been picked to deliver them in exchange for a few galleons. Most eleven-year-olds are forgetful, and therefore untrustworthy to carry out such tasks, yet the Weasley brothers didn't care much to think their choices through. The forgetful first years included Este Scamander, who had forgotten to give the unsuspecting Circe an antidote to the enchanted candy.

The witch's cheeks were flushed red, if this lasted any longer she was certain she would turn into her Maledictus form and fly out of the window. Her hands anxiously twisted around in front of her as she tried to look uncharacteristically interested in the current lecture. Although, she was never good at theatrics. The girl's eyes narrowed into a bird-like gaze across the room to make sure no one was snickering at her underneath her desk. No one was, most people had already been tricked by mischievous first years into eating their bewitched candies and forced to sit through an embarrassing lecture in boils, hives, hiccups, or more untasteful symptoms designed to get a student out of class. In the beginning, the students were unaware of the candied consequences until Fred and George started promoting their "Business", then the students got smarter, excusing themselves from class and heading back to the luxury of their common room.

The news must've hit Circe a bit too late, as she was not intending to skip class while thinking she had simply hosted an uncomfortable reaction to sweets when she should be preparing for the DADA performance test that would be held the day after.

As she was scanning her classroom, Circe's eyes caught the glance of a dark-haired witch with red streaks highlighting her stunning features. They were adamantly signaling to Circe by nodding her head down to her palm. "Did they forget to give you an antidote?". At that, Circe wheeled around and lifted a brow.

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