1| Past Hauntings

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Sorry for the quick little note, I started writing this at like midnight, it is now 2 am, but anyway I wanted to say this story will move very slow at first cuz I want to add some background to it. The characters in this story have had experiences with Freddy Fazbears in the past. This experience causes them to react in certain ways to certain situations. Anyways, thx for reading my story.

Your Pov -

You sat there in the dark of Pirates Cove, with your knees pulled close to your chest and your arms wrapped around them. The only light was Foxy's glowing yellow eye. He had grabbed you on your way back to the office from turning on the backup generator.

You could only hope that it had worked... and that your friends were safe.

The scariest part wasn't Foxy himself. It was that he was just sitting there, staring at you. His robotic eyes were unblinking, never falling from you. He never moved, just... stared as if you were the most interesting thing in the world to him in that moment.

When he grabbed you, you were sure you were dead, but he just sat you across from the small opening in the curtains. You had waited for him to attack you or move, but he didn't. Even when Freddy tried to get in the Cove, he just looked at him, as if glaring. Freddy left like he knew if he tried to go any further, it wouldn't end well for him.

You had to have been sitting there for half an hour when you stopped hearing the load Clank of medal footsteps outside the cove. You couldn't even try to move without Foxy's eye darting to you legs, as if ready to grab you if you even tried to escape. You imagined the other one moved too, but you couldn't tell as his eye patch was still on his right eye.

Finally, you worked up the mental strength to run. You moved your hands from around your knees and set them on the cold wood floor of the small stage. Sure enough, Foxy's eye darted to your hands and then back up to your face a few times, before settling on your eyes. He slightly closed his eye, giving you a questioning look. It was as if he was daring you to run.

You sat there a few seconds longer before jumping to your feet and booking it. You only made it a few steps before you felt his left hand on your ankle and fell face-first on the stage.

Just as he pulled you back into the Cove, you woke up with a start.

Your phone was blaring the ringtone of one of your friends. You quickly picked it up and answered it.

"Hello," you said, sleep still evident in your voice.

"OMG, Please tell me you weren't still sleeping Y/n" your long-time friend Vivian practically yelled In your ear.

"No, no, I was totally up and I don't know taking a walk on a Saturday morning at" you paused. "9:30." You said sarcastically, adding emphasis to the time part of your sentence.

"Ok, ok, I get it, your not a morning person," she said as if it wasn't obvious.

"oh, you don't say." You said back, Once again being sarcastic.

You could faintly hear Matthew laughing in the background at that.

'Great I get to deal with thing one and two.' You thought.

"Ok, I get it, just get your ass down here and open this door" Viv demanded.

"Whatever, let me get dressed, and then I'll be down there," you said, yawning at the end of your sentence and hanging up before she could say anything else.

You quickly got up and walked over to your closet. Opening it, you grabbed the first shirt you saw and threw it on. It ended up being a black shirt with F/b on it. You closed the closet and opened one of your dresser drawers, pulling out a random pair of jeans and throwing them on too.

You walked out of your room and to the bathroom to at least partially contain your H/l H/c hair and brush your teeth. Once you were done, you walked down the stairs and to the front door.

You couldn't believe it was the first weekend of summer and these two are already interrupting your wonderfully fucked up sleep schedule. They were very lucky your parents are out of town helping your grandparents with, whatever the hell they were helping them with. If your parents were home they would have been told to come back later cuz you were still sleeping.

You opened the door to see a brown-haired girl and a ginger-haired boy standing there with too much energy for it being as early in the morning as it was.

"Finally took you long enough," Viv said dramatically.

You rolled your eyes as the two walked into the house and took off their shoes.

You closed the door and you all walked up to your room. When you got there Viv and Matt sat down on your bed.

"Ok guess I'll just sit at my desk," you said rolling your eyes as the two laughed again.

"So why exactly are you guys Interrupting my sleep?" You asked.

"We have to figure out what we're gonna do this summer, duh," Matt said.

"Oh, well then there's no need," you said.

"Huh?" They both said creepily in unison, clearly confused by your statement.

"Ya, I already know what I'm gonna do," you said confidently; you knew they weren't gonna like the answer you were gonna give them, but their reactions were gonna be hilarious.

"Seriously, why didn't you tell me? I could have helped plan it." Viv said.

"Now that I think about it, how did you even come up with stuff to do and what is said stuff?" Matt asked.

Here we go.

You smirked slightly "Well I was thinking, get a job, look for colleges, figure out what the hell I want to major in, play video games and sleep."

Both of their jaws dropped, it was hilarious.

They both looked at you for a few seconds and then said in unison "WHAT?!"

You busted out laughing, that was so fucking worth it. The looks on their faces were priceless.

"No, nope, I am not letting you spend all summer at some stupid job or looking for colleges; but I have a great idea of where we could spend some time at least," Viv said as she opened her phone and pulled something up.

Matt had a nervous look on his face like he knew you weren't going to like this idea.

Viv showed you her phone, it was an ad for Freddy Fazbears Mega Pizza-Plex. You just looked at her for a second.

"Oh hell no!"


1066 words

❤Ok, that was the longest first chapter I've ever written. I hope you enjoyed it, idk when the next chapter will be out but hopefully, it will be soon. Please don't forget to vote. Cya 🖤

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