Chapter 67

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Jaehyun was sitting at his chair and looking at the papers when his office door open and someone enter. He looked up and he throw the pen to the person.

Winwin: Jae chill!

Jaehyun: where the hell did you go!?

Winwin: I was abducted

Jaehyun: abducted my ass

Winwin: you are still hot headed.

Jaehyun: why did you came here?

Winwin: of course to gave you this

Winwin hand him the envelope and Jaehyun took it in his hand. He looked at it and it's a photo of Taeyong years ago.

Jaehyun: what's this?

Winwin: you ask me to looked what happened that year and I found something. Her name is Faith, the woman that you sleep with when someone drug you and she's also the woman that Taeyong ask to carry the baby for him and I found something

Jaehyun: what is it?

Winwin: she's pregnant with your child and with Taeyong.

Jaehyun: Can two sperm from different men fertilize the same egg?

Winwin: woman released multiple eggs within a week of one another. Within that narrow time frame, two eggs appear to have been fertilized by sperm from two different men. It's called fraternal twins with different fathers.

Jaehyun: it's a twins? That means Sungchan has a twin?

Winwin: Sungchan? You mean Taeyong's son? It's a different case

Jaehyun: what do you mean?

Winwin: Sungchan's case is one and only. I asked the doctor that have been taking care of Faith and he told me that it was supposed to be a twin but the sperm combine, they don't know how that happened and want to experiment the child but a man came to them one by one and killed his group. He is the only one who's alive.

Jaehyun: someone killed them?

Winwin: yeah, do you want to know his name?

Jaehyun: Lee Taeyong?

Winwin: Bingo! Jaehyun you should be aware of him. He isn't what you used to think. He killed a person, his hand is full of blood.

Jaehyun: I appreciate your concern but I won't leave his side.

Winwin: the photos in the envelope are all Taeyong's doing.

Jaehyun: where did you get this?

Winwin: someone gave it to me, why is it so hot in here? did you turn off the ac?

Winwin take off his jacket and a hickey was shown in his neck. Jaehyun looked at him and he smile.

Jaehyun: did you break the bed?

Winwin: what?

Jaehyun: that's a lot of hickey Winwin, is that the reason why you didn't come here when you arrived?

Winwin: shut up Jaehyun

Jaehyun stand up and he walk towards Winwin. He gave him an evil smile before holding on his shirt and he was trying to take it off.

Jaehyun: show it to me

Winwin: No way, let go Jaehyun!

Jaehyun: come on don't be shy, show me how many hickey do you have

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