Chapter 11

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Taeyong stand up as he saw Jaehyun. Jaehyun pull him in his side and give Jungkook and Johnny a look.

Jungkook: do you know each other?

Jaehyun: what are you up to?

Jungkook: what? he bump at me and I told him one glass of drinks for his apology

Taehyung: Jaehyun do you know each other?

Jaehyun: yeah (look at Taeyong) what are you doing here?

Taeyong: I work here

Jaehyun: work? As what?

Taeyong: si-

Jungkook: enough talking, since you know each other let's start the party

Jaehyun: what party?

Johnny: Jungkook and Taehyung is now engaged

Jaehyun: is this the reason why you want me to join?

Jungkook: not really

Taeyong: look I need to go, thank you for your invitation but i-

Taehyung: come on, we just arrived at least drink with us, we are friends now right?

Taeyong: uhh

Jaehyun: just agree for now, they won't let you go, I'll find an excuse to send you home (whisper)

Taeyong: alright

Johnny: then let's start the party!!

Jungkook: let's go!

The three stand up and the two looked at them.

Jaehyun: where are you going?

Jungkook: just follow us and don't even think about escaping or I'm telling uncle

They left the bar and ride their car. Jaehyun looked at them and he looked at Taeyong.

Jaehyun: you can go home now, I'll tell them that you are not feeling well

Taeyong: I want to but I can't

Jaehyun: why?

Taeyong point at their wrist and Jaehyun let out a sigh when he notice that both of them are being handcuffed. Jaehyun looked at Jungkook and he was waving the key.

Jaehyun: stop playing like a child

Jungkook: if I didn't handcuffed you, you will tell Taeyong to go home, Jaehyun don't be such a killjoy and let's have some fun

Jaehyun: you little brat, I'll-

Taeyong: it's ok, I'll go with you just give me the key when we arrived

Jungkook: no problem

Jaehyun and Taeyong walk towards Jaehyun car and they looked at each other.

Jaehyun: well? what now?

Taeyong: open the door at the driver seat

Jaehyun follow Taeyong's words and he open the door. Taeyong crawl at the driver seat towards the seat next to it. Jaehyun was looking at him and he slowly follow Taeyong and both of them where now sitting at the car. Jaehyun lean in to Taeyong and he looked at his eyes, he grab the seat belt and lock it.

Jaehyun: safety first

Jaehyun start the car and he follow Jungkook's car who's already in their front. A red car honk at them and Taeyong looked at the windshield and he saw Johnny smiling at him.

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