Chapter 4

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Taeyong was paying the drinks and chips that he get, when he saw a familiar figure walking towards him.

Sungchan: daddy!

Taeyong: what are you doing here? Didn't I tell you to wait at home?

Sungchan: I got bored so I ask Xiaojun hyung to take me to you, looked he buy me a ball on our way here

Taeyong: you already got a lot of toys

Sungchan: but I like this ball it has a print of a deer

Taeyong: that would be the last Sungchan

Xiaojun: it's ok hyung, Sungchan's a good kid, he deserves it

Taeyong: you spoiled him

Xiaojun: hahaha, let me help you hyung

Taeyong: ohh, thank you

Xiaojun help Taeyong carry the grocery that he brought back to their apartment. Sungchan was holding at Taeyong's jacket when he saw a puppy at the corner. Sungchan let go and he went to the corner looking at the puppy.

Taeyong and Xiaojun was busy talking until Taeyong notice that there's no one on his side. Taeyong looked back and he saw his son sitting at the corner trying to pet the puppy. He walk towards him and he bend down.

Taeyong: what are you doing?

Sungchan: daddy looked there's a puppy here

Taeyong: it must be lost, it doesn't have any lace on him

Xiaojun: normally a stray dog here will be put at the dog pounds

Taeyong: but they will kill her if no one will adopt her in 72 hours, specially if the shelter is full

Sungchan: can we adopt her daddy?

Taeyong: I like to honey but-

Sungchan: daddy please?

Xiaojun: we can adopt her, Yangyang  will be happy if he finds out that we got a dog

Taeyong: is that ok?

Xiaojun: it's fine hyung besides having a pet at home will be wonderful

Xiaojun pick up the puppy and he smile at it.

Xiaojun: I'll call you Bella little one

Sungchan: can I carry her hyung?

Xiaojun: you have to ask your father first

Sungchan: daddy?

Taeyong: alright

Sungchan smile widely and he carry the puppy. Xiaojun messed his hair and they went back to their apartment.

They arrived at Taeyong's apartment and saw Hendery and Yangyang putting a foods at the picnic basket.

Yangyang: ohh, you are back?

Hendery: we already put the foods that dad cook, we are set to go

Sungchan: hyung looked, we found a puppy and we adopt her

Hendery and Yangyang looked at Sungchan and they immediately went to him.

Yangyang: aww she's so cute, where did you find her?

Xiaojun: Sungchan saw her at the corner

Hendery: what's her name?

Sungchan: Xiaojun hyung give her the name Bella

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