Chapter 57

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Jaehyun where hugging Taeyong on the bed when the door slam open and a kid jump at them. Both of them groan in pain and Jaehyun open his eyes.

Jaehyun: why are you here?

Sungchan: daddy it's morning already, get up! get up!

Jaehyun: daddy's tired, wake me up later


Taeyong: Sungchan don't shout, what's wrong?

Sungchan: nothing, change your clothes and come downstairs

Sungchan get off the bed and he head to the living room first. Taeyong and Jaehyun looked at each other and Taeyong wear his shirt before going to the living room with Jaehyun on his back. Taeyong stop and he smell something he immediately run to the kitchen and there's a lot of smoke. Jaehyun rush to turn off the stove and he pull Sungchan away from it.

Jaehyun: are you okay? did you get hurt?

Sungchan: I'm fine daddy, I was cooking a breakfast for you

The fire alarm went on and they heard a footsteps.

Kun: what happened? why there's a fire?

Taeyong: the alarm went on because of the smoke. Sungchan is cooking a breakfast for us and I think he let the stove open with a pan above it

Taeyong looked at Sungchan and the kid hide behind Jaehyun.

Taeyong: what the hell are you thinking Sungchan!?

Sungchan: daddy?

Taeyong: didn't I told you not to play with fire!? What if you got hurt or burned yourself!

Jaehyun: Taeyong don't raise your voice, Sungchan just want to help us.

Taeyong: go to your room and reflect on yourself!

Sungchan looked at Taeyong and he run outside the house. Taeyong looked at him and he messed his hair and head to his room. They open the door and window to let the smoke out. Sungchan was sitting at the table on the garden when Yangyang walk towards him.

Yangyang: Sungchan did you get hurt?

Sungchan shake his head and Yangyang pat his back.

Yangyang: you know, when I was at your age, I set our house on fire because I thought I can cook like Xiaojun hyung

Sungchan: really? Did you get hurt?

Yangyang: yes, I didn't get hurt because Hendery hyung was there and he immediately bring me out of the house. Dad was still on his work and he immediately came when he found out what happened. He scold me for 30 minutes and then gave me a hug. Do you know why he did that?

Sungchan: no

Yangyang: it's because he love me, he doesn't want me to get hurt and was worried when he found out that the house is on fire. Taeyong hyung must be worried for you that's why he scold at you earlier. Taeyong hyung and Jaehyun hyung love you so much Sungchan. Why don't you talk to Taeyong hyung?

Sungchan looked at Yangyang and he lower his head. Yangyang let out a sigh and he pat Sungchan's back and stay with him. Taeyong was standing near the window and he was looking at Sungchan when the door open.

Jaehyun: you shouldn't have shout at him

Taeyong: what do you know? Sungchan is the only one I have, I don't want to lost him

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