"Sorry, I just find it so cute how short you are."

"Sorry that the tall genes all went to my brother." 

"They did didn't they?" 

"Yep." I say sighing, as James swims over to me and picks me up, my legs wrapping around his waist as he carries me over to the other side of the pool, where it's out of view of the public eye. 

"See, I was right about it getting deeper." He says as I look into his gorgeous hazel eyes and smile. 

"Yes, you were." I say. "But I still think it's an excuse to touch me." 

"Would you like me to stop carrying you?" He asks as we're halfway to the other side and I shake my head. 

"You'd have to do mouth to mouth cause I'm not a very strong swimmer, although I do know how to swim." I say and he smirks. "But you wouldn't mind doing mouth to mouth so maybe you should let me go." I add and picks me up and throws me to the other side, and I scream, before I close my mouth and hold my breath, as I go underwater. 

I kick my legs and swim up. 

"You're lucky I lied about not being a strong swimmer." I say as I tread water and wait for James to swim over to me and he chuckles. 

"That was my way of seeing whether you were lying or not." He says. "But I'm still willing to do mouth to mouth if you are." He flirts and I roll my eyes, before splashing him with water which makes him laugh. 

When he reaches me he picks me up again, so that I can wrap my legs around his waist, before he continues to carry me to the other side. 

Once there, he places me on a rock, and I smile as we're now eye level.  

"You just about know all the tricks in the book, don't you Worpel." 

"I sure do, Bontempelli." He says then he smirks. "And there's plenty more I'd love to show you if you'd let me." 

"Maybe in the future." I say and he smiles.

"So sorry to bring up a serious topic, but have you spoken to Naughts." 

"No, not since the other day, when he came over." I say sighing and James nods, grabbing my hand and giving it a reassuring squeeze. 

"He told me what happened. Look, I know you were drunk and so was he, but." 

"I know, it was stupid. I don't know what I was thinking." I say looking down. "God I'm an idiot." I say with tears in my eyes. 

James lifts my head up, forcing me to look at him. 

"Hey. You're not an idiot. But there's no excuse for what you did. You know he likes you, why use it to your advantage?" 

"I know there's no excuses for what I did, and I promise I will pay the price for it. I just hope it doesn't fuck up my friendship with him." 

"I'm sure it won't. Naughts is a very understanding person so he should get over it soon." 

"Is that what he said?" 

"Yes, he said he loves you too much to not have you in his life." He says and I nod. 

"Well that's a relief." I say and James nods. Silence falling between the two of us, not the awkward kind, just the kind where you need to think about what to say next. 

"Anyways, enough about him, did you enjoy your birthday?" 

"I sure did." He says wrapping his arms around me and pulling me into a hug and I smile. "You're full of surprises Bontempelli." 

Summer Love - James WorpelWhere stories live. Discover now