Bonus Chapter: (Lemon)

Start from the beginning

"Nah. He already knows I'm here with you and also knows that I take my sweet time with you so he won't mind it. I will spend the night here... Unless you want me to go.."

He chuckled as he shook his head no.

"No please, don't go. The company is great also you staying here make me feel like we're normal."

That last part caught Valiana's attention

"What do you mean by normal?"

"Well, we technically started this in the wrong way, doing what it's supposed to be one of the last things, having sex. Then we went on a date and now the remaining thing is to say I love you, which is weird, that's usually the first thing you do at the start."

Valiana chuckled softly

"Well, you're right about that, we're certainly not normal. But tell me, being normal is so boring, don't you think?"

Y/N shrugged

"To me normality is tranquility and total tranquility is the last thing I'm going to have on my life. But yeah, our life's are far from being called "normal". I'm fine with that though. It's human nature to adapt."

She smiled as she placed her empty cup over the table.

"Aren't you going to drink?"

"No, I don't like alcohol and I get wasted quite fast. I'm quite of a light drinker."

Her smile shifted to one that he already recalled to have seen. And her eyes went hazy as they glowed blue for a second. Exactly, bedroom eyes.

She got on the mood way too suddenly for his taste.

In a second, he couldn't even see her coming, she was hovering over his lap, encaging him with her arms at each side of him.

Valiana then aggressively stole his lips, making him correspond to the rough and steamy session.

He placed his hands over her thighs. Delighting himself with the soft touch of her sweet thighs.

After they ran off air they separated their lips a saliva string connected them. Valiana smirked with a faint blush on her.

"Did that was enough to leave you breathless? How disappointing, O' Rival of mine."

"Is the wine the cause of this?0

He asked just to be sure. The last thing he wanted was to take advantage of her drunk self.

She traced a finger over his chest that was covered by only the fabric of his shirt.

"It's certainly made me more daring, But don't think I'm doing this under the alcohol influence, it's my own reasoning."

"I see, that's good to know. And who are you calling disappointing, don't underestimate me, Lady White."

This time he was the one to steal her lips which she rapidly melted on it. It didn't took long for their tongues to meet in a suggestive dance of passion.

Y/N gripped her thighs before raising her up. Getting off the couch he started to walk upstairs with her on arms.

"Let's take this to the bed, even if you don't believe it the sofa was more expensive than the bed itself. So I prefer to break the cheapest."

As they went upstairs their lips met once again until Y/N reached to his room and let her body fall over the bed. He didn't cared for any gentleness, she was strong and could take him in more than the fighting sense.

The Black Dragon Emperor (High School DxD X Male reader) Where stories live. Discover now