Inarizaki vs Shiratorizawa

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This was supposed to be up during Christmas but the day got busy with my family being all over the place, so consider this a late Christmas gift. If you don't celebrate Christmas then it's still a gift! Thank you to my beta reader, PrincessArceli!

Keeping his eyes trained on the ball, Atsumu did his best to bury his annoyance. He wasn't about to let his emotions get the best of him in the middle of the game. Not when they were so close to taking the second set from the white eagles. Kita and Aran would chew him up if he acts by himself. 

And Tobio will surely slap him behind the head. But dammit! If the Shiratorizawa captain looked at Tobio one more time he will serve a ball to his fucking face! Atsumu isn't the kind of person who easily gets jealous. He knows his boyfriend has many friends. 

Plus he wasn't insecure about himself. Atsumu didn't go around threatening everyone who looked at the blue eyed man. He knows Tobio would never cheat on him or look at someone else the way he looks at him.

However, when it came to guys like the jackass who hurt the jet and to Ushijima, Atsumu wouldn't just stand and let it be. Shifting to the right, he jumped and set the ball to Suna who spiked it at the same time the redhead from Shiratorizawa came to block it. Unfortunately for him, Suna managed to trick him.

Glancing at Ushijima, he frowns. There it was again. It wasn't a look of lust that was directed at Tobio. But one softer...tender. It made him feel icky. Why the hell was he staring at Tobio like that? Shouldn't he focus on winning the game? Getting the ball from Osamu, he walked to the line and got ready to serve. The look Ushijima gave Tobio was one he was familiar with. Atsumu had given that look to Tobio countless times.

Aran and Kita shared that look when they thought no one was looking. Heck, Suna and Semi gave each other that look when they had a moment to themselves. It was the look his mother gave to their father before that bastard went and cheated on her. 


And it disgusted him greatly. Tobio wasn't Ushijima's lover. Tobio was Atsumu's and Atsumu was Tobio's. Taking four steps, he aimed the volleyball at their setter. Getting in position quickly, the blonde trained his eyes on both Tendou and Shirabu. They were the main problem in this game. Tendou has good instincts and could almost block Suna.

Shirabu didn't hesitate to pull stunts but also relied too much on Ushijima. That was going to be their downfall. As strong as the third year was, they only relied on him and no one else. Ushijima was only human. It won't be long before he runs out of stamina. Jumping together with Osamu, he did his best to block the ball spiked by Goshiki. 

Akagi was behind them and dug it up. He didn't need to glance at his twin to know what their next attack was. Allowing for Osamu to set the ball, he ran forward and jumped. The gasp of the crowd as well as the claps from their cheer team made him smirk. Good, they should always react like that when they see the twin's quick attack. 

Shifting closer to the net, Atsumu shot Ushijima a glare. "Keep yer eyes to yerself." Not wanting to hear a response, he walked away. Through the rest of the second set he could feel the heavy glare Ushijima gave him. Atsumu didn't care. Fuck Ushijima for all he cared. Atsumu just gave him a warning to keep his eyes to himself. If the ace wanted a fight then Atsumu would gladly give him one.

Like hell he'll allow what happened to Tobio last time to occur again. Ushijima may look calm and responsible to the outside world, but no one really knew who he was outside of volleyball. Aran pats his back. His gray eyes on the scoreboard. 

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