Boy let me love you

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Tobio shifted his weight on his good leg, fingertips tapping on the blue water bottle he was filling. He could feel a pair of eyes on his back from the moment he and his team stepped foot in the gymnasium for their final game. This game would determine whether they make it to nationals or not, not that Tobio didn't have any faith in them because he does. They are strong and all that practice they have been doing along with the drills Tobio and Shinsuke worked together for the team will finally pay off here. He felt pride just wearing the Inarizaki jacket, yet all that pride couldn't mask his paranoia.

He thought about telling Shinsuke but decided not to, knowing the older boy, he would be worried and not focus on the game ahead. This is the final, if they beat the team they are against they will be heading for nationals, something that Tobio knows they can do. He doesn't want to distract the team because of his paranoia over something like this. And if the twins and Suna ever found out something or someone was bothering him then hell won't be such a scary place, especially if the whole team is involved. Tobio knows from experience that even the most responsible ones of Inarizaki will cause chaos if someone were to just look at him wrong.

Just yesterday Akagi almost climbed a whole six-foot player just because he bumped into Tobio and didn't bother to say sorry. And the day before that Tobio had to pull some strings to get the twins and Suna out of trouble because they gave a concussion to one of the players for the mere reason he called Tobio 'king'. He didn't need them to do something reckless, especially right now, not to mention the whole team was already walking on thin ice with the coach because of all the trouble they have been causing. Tobio swears they will give him gray hair before he even graduates from high school.

Screwing the water bottle up he puts it inside the bag with the other bottles and zips it close, slinging in on his shoulder the blue-eyed boy begins making his way to gym c where the finals are taking place. The sensation of eyes watching him came back ten times worse that Tobio had to stop himself from shuddering. Scowling the raven head picks up his pace as best as he can with his knee.

"H-Hey yer Inarizaki's manager, right?" Why did Tobio feel he had already gone through this before? Slowing his pace to a stop he turns around to greet the person who spoke to him. The boy is shorter than him, he had brown hair and doe eyes that gave him a boyish look. Looking at what the boy was wearing he quickly realized that he was the libero for the team they were up against today. Quirking an eyebrow Tobio turns to fully face him, "Yeah...can I help you...?" The boy shuffles with his feet, a blush coats his face and Tobio starts to get worried.

Is the boy sick? Should he help him find the infirmary? But how? Tobio has been here a couple of times and he still gets lost no matter how many times his team gives him directions. "I-I just wanted to w-wish yer team good luck!" Tobio blinks in surprise, a black hair strand falls out of his bun and he blows it away from his face. Yet it landed on the same spot, the libero's face seemed to turn even redder.

"Uh...thank ya but, why? I mean we are goin' to play against ya in a few minutes."

"Because, w-well I saw how ya are devoted to yer team and I couldn't help but admire ya and ya are also very pretty, like breathtakin' and I just wanted to tell ya that!"

Tobio stared at the boy in shock, no one had ever said he was pretty. His grandmother and Atsumu called him cute while the rest of the team called him adorable, yet this boy had called him not only pretty but breathtaking. This is the first time someone didn't call him scary or intimidating, a blush spread all over Tobio's face, he felt flattered yet as the boy stared at him with adoration it didn't feel right.

Sure it was nice to be complimented by people however it didn't bring him the same joy it brought him when Atsumu did it. When the blonde complimented him about anything Tobio would feel in cloud nine, blinking his eyes he looked away. "I, um...t-thank ya. No one has called me that so, it's kinda shockin'..." He scratched the back of his head, the boy's brown eyes lit it up in joy and Tobio can only grin back, even if he knew it would look constipated, yet the boy doesn't flinch and only smiles even more.

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