Spring day

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Toru didn't know what hurt the most, his knee or the fact that had once again lost to Shiratorizawa. Not only did they lose to the eagles again, they also lost their one way ticket to meet Inarizaki's Kita Shinsuke. Shakily he got up from the ground, the cheers from the crowd becoming background noise. He didn't look up, he couldn't. Not when he had failed as a setter once again. Not when he had one job and it was to take them to Nationals.

It didn't matter what his dream was because this time it wasn't about some stupid goal he had in mind. It wasn't about finally beating Ushiwaka. This was about Tobio. They had to win, it was the only way they could meet Kita, the only way they could have find Tobio.

And he failed.

Not looking at his team they made their way to the coach. Toru didn't listen to what he was saying, too deep in his thoughts to really care. After two more minutes of speaking he dismissed them to go get changed and meet him by the bus to go home. Iwaizumi had waited for him but Toru dismissed him, he had something to do before leaving. "I'll tell the coach you will be taking a while...just, don't do anything stupid." Oikawa smiles, hoping it would cover the fact that his eyes were puffy from crying. Iwaizumi didn't buy it, he has known Oikawa for far too long to be fooled by a fake smile.

"It's fine Iwa-chan, I just need to do one more thing before going home so don't worry too much, Ok?" he says. His voice wavers for a bit, wanting to finally let the dam fall and let his tears run feedly. Looking at him one last time Iwaizumi nods and leaves the locker room. Shaking his head, Toru takes a deep breath, holds it in for five minutes and let's it out. He doesn't want to see or even speak to this person but for once Toru will swallow up his damn pride. This is no longer about him or whatever issue he has with the other person, this is about Tobio.

And if it means that he has to walk up and talk to Ushiwaka then so be it. Picking his sports bag off the floor the brunette leaves the locker room and walks the opposite way to where his team is. He knows that Shiratorizawa hasn't left yet, they always leave five minutes after Seijoh. And he is correct, outside the court Seijoh had walked out a few minutes ago in defeat stands the last person he wants to see. There are a few people there too, the annoying red head, the snarky setter with the horrible bangs, the pitch server, and the kid with the bowl cut.

The first one to notice him is Semi, he stops whatever chatter he was having with Shirabu and Tendou who quickly follow him in staring into Toru's soul. Goshiki blinks, confused as to why his senpais were suddenly quiet before Ushiwaka turns to look at him. "I need to have a word with you Ushiwaka." The brunette in question blinks before giving him a nod. Looking at the other four Toru decides to let them hear.

It's not like it will affect them and it's better to have someone near to observe the conversation. In this state of mind Toru isn't sure what he will be capable of. Glancing at the ace he takes out a folded piece of paper out of his jacket's pocket and hands it to him. "I want you to give this to KIta Shinsuke, I'm sure you know who he is by now if not then he is the captain of Inarizaki." Ushiwaka looks at the paper for a few minutes before taking it. "Why do you need to give this to Inarizaki's captain?" Questioned Shirabu. Toru shrungs, "I would have spoken to him myself but as we can all see that is impossible. Inarizaki will be at nationals and I desperately need to speak to Kita." He looks away from them, his eyes glancing at the vending machine, there are some drinks available but the milk cartoons got his attention.

"Why not just go see him? It would save you all this trouble." Semi adds, an eyebrow quirked up in curiosity. "Oh trust me I would," Toru sneers at Ushiwaka, "But I'm afraid I can't, I don't even know where he lives and going all the way to Hyogo is not only time but money, something that I don't have." The travel distance from Miyagi to Hyogo was almost a day long, not to mention how much a one way ticket would cost. Toru didn't have time, he still has school to worry about and his duties as captain. Plus where would he even get the money to go there?

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