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Tooru yawns, he has been searching for about an hour with no rest. Not that it mattered since it's the weekend, they had no practice during that time. Rubbing his eyes he checks the time on his phone.

It is only 3 pm.

Letting out a sigh, he turned back at his open laptop he re-reads the news article for the fifth time. It was the same thing over and over again, on how the accident happened and how the culprits haven't been caught yet. Tooru kept checking the website every single day to see if there was new information but alas there had been nothing new for about a month. At this rate, the culprit will never be caught.

He clenched his fist. How come the police weren't doing anything at all? They have been using the same excuse, saying that they don't have enough information and that they can't just jump the gun. To hell with that! Someone who killed a family and ripped them apart is still out there running freely with no worries!

Angrily, Tooru slams his laptop close and gathers his notes and phone. If he wanted to get more information about the incident then he will have to speak to people who were there. Kindaichi had mentioned three people who helped Tobio and his sister out of the car, maybe they had more information? If so, he needs to find them, but where does he even start? Kindaichi didn't tell him who they were or what they even looked like.

Letting a frustrated groan, Tooru got up from his chair and stretched his muscles. It doesn't matter, he can just ask him during morning practice he just hoped the boy would have asked for their names before entering a panic. Not that Tooru blames him for it, if he had been in his position Tooru would have reacted the same way, maybe even worse.

Getting change into a cyan shirt and his white track pants, Tooru made his way down the stairs. On the way, he passed Hanami and his mother. Ignoring them he went to the front entrance and began pulling out his outdoor shoes.

"Where are you going Tooru?"

Tooru glanced at Hanami before turning his attention back at his shoes. He didn't need this right now; he had been doing such a great job in ignoring her these past few days. At this rate, he wondered how long would it take him not to snap at her. Tooru had expected her to leave after three days, however, she had stayed for a whole week.

"Tooru, I'm talking to you."

Rolling his eyes, Tooru glared at her and grab his messenger bag. Not looking back, he opened the door and walked out, ignoring Hanami's questions. He will deal with her later. Walking down the road to a nearby park Tooru spotted a few kids playing and parents trying to keep up with them. Averting his gaze, Tooru made his way to the familiar bench he usually sat in after his morning runs.

Maybe he should have taken Takeru with him instead of leaving him with Hanami and his mother. Not that he didn't trust his mom, it is more about how uneasy he feels about Hanami. Ever since she came back she has had this faraway look. It didn't matter what she was doing or where she was, she will always space out. Tooru knew that look, he has seen it a bunch of times. However, unlike those times, her look carried more weight, almost like she felt guilty.

He had only seen that look twice, it had been when she got pregnant with Takeru, and when she had stolen money from mom. Shaking his head, Tooru rid the thoughts out of his head. He needed to focus on the task ahead.

Opening his messenger bag he took out his notebook and his phone along with his headphones. Might as well read over the few notes he took with Iwaizumi and his two kohais. Opening the notebook, Tooru got to read. There wasn't enough information to go by at the moment, they had visited the hospital Tobio's mom used to work in, but they refused to tell them any information.

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