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Even though I already had this chapter ready to go, school hasn't been giving me much free time lately. And whatever free time I have I use it to draw or read manga/fanfictions. However, today I managed to finish everything early and have some time to post!

Once again, thank you to my beta reader PrincessArceli for giving me amazing ideas and encouraging me!


This is Oikawa Tooru. You might remember me as I was Tobio-chan's former middle school captain. I know this isn't my place to ask but, could you possibly give me a call or text me? I'm worried about Tobio’s well being as I haven't heard from him in months. Yes, I do know what happened before school started. However I tried calling his number but it no longer exists. Please, I just want to know if he is alright. 

My number: (022)-867-5309

Sincerely, Oikawa Tooru

Staring at the letter, Shinsuke runs a hand through his hair. It had been exactly three days since he received it. He knows he should at least text Oikawa. He didn't sense any bad intentions from it and the boy did sound worried. However, he isn't sure about it. Nationals were almost over. Just a few more days and they would be going back to Hyogo. 

At first he thought about calling them after the game with both Komomedai and Shiratorizawa, who they played today. But when he saw how busy Tobio was with organizing a plan to defeat the white eagles he couldn't bring himself to dial the number. So he spoke with Aran. He told him his worries. How he wasn't sure what to say, and that he had a feeling that this was too soon. 

His boyfriend comforted him. Gave him advice and told him to choose what felt right to him. Folding the paper and putting it in his pocket he pulled out his phone. He didn't necessarily have to talk over the phone with Oikawa. Glancing to the left, he sees his cousin leaning on Atsumu who was feeding him spoonfuls of curry. Both looked as if they were in a world of their own. Even with Hoshiumi (who had tagged along with them after the game with Komomedai, which they lost to Itachiyama) and Mika and Daishou. 

Aran gave his hand a squeeze. His boyfriend had been next to him while he re-read the note. "I'm...going to text him," he said. Phone in hand. "And I will be next to you as you do. Don't worry. I'm sure he won't demand for you to talk to him over the phone." 

Turning on his device, he opens the contact settings and adds Oikawa's number. Then he clicked on the text bubble and began to type. When he needed reassurance he would turn to Aran who would advise a few words in a soothing tone. His warm hand on top of his cooler one and his body being pressed together calmed his racing heart.

Oikawa may have been an asshole when they first met. And he may have been an asshole to Tobio. But he sounded genuinely concerned for his cousin's safety. Miwa always said to never judge anyone from the outside. To never just hate on them. You could say she was the main reason why Tobio never held any resentment in his heart.

Of course that didn't mean he would let anyone walk all over him. The same was with Shinsuke. If someone did them wrong, that person had to prove that they were willing to work for their forgiveness. If Oikawa wanted to do that, then it was fine. But if he didn't, all Shinsuke had to do was cut him out of Tobio's life. 

Shinsuke: This is Kita. I've received your note and came to tell you that Tobio is fine. He's attending school and has been recovering nicely. 

Hitting send, he waited. While he did want to give Oikawa some peace of mind, he didn't exactly want to give away all of Tobio's information. For now he will test the waters. If it's completely safe then he will reveal more information. He glanced at his cousin again, and once he was sure everything was safe enough he would inform the younger teenager about all of this.

MetanoiaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora