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Everything hurt, from his head to his toes. Tobio could smell disinfectant and the chemical scent of the hospital around him. He could hear the beep near him, it sounded quiet but at the same time so loud. Tobio fluttered his eyes open and shut them as soon they made contact with the blinding light of the hospital's ceiling. He opened them again, this time more slowly. Tobio's surroundings were blurry, he let his eyes adjust to the light before looking around, this time more clearly.

It didn't take long for him to figure out where he was, this was not the first time he had been in a hospital. Though the first time was for his mother who had been feeling bad that day. Tobio tried to sit up but quickly found it painful, his body hurts and feels sore. He could already feel the bruises on his back.

The door to his room opened, taking him by surprise he let out a starlet yelp. The nurse snapped her gaze from the clipboard to him and gave him a gentle smile. "Hey, sweetheart, glad to see that you're awake. Do you want to sit up?"

Tobio opened his mouth to say yes but found he couldn't speak, his throat felt dry and scratchy, making it impossible for him to say anything. The nurse pushed one of the buttons near the bed making it levitate to a sitting position, then proceeded to help him find a comfortable position to stay in.

"I will call the doctor and tell them you woke up. Do you want a drink of water?"

Again Tobio nodded.

"Alright, I will be right back."

The nurse left and Tobio fiddle with his fingers, trying to recall what happened before he passed out. He remembered bright lights getting closer, his father pressing the breaks, his mother's scream, Miwa's warm body as she pulled him towards her, then a loud crash, and everything turn fuzzy.

Tobio touched his head and his fingertips meet a gauze pad on the right side of his forehead. Letting his eyes wander Tobio saw that his right knee patched up in layers of gauze. Tobio felt the panic and confusion settle in as the medicine they used on him began to fade. He began to breathe a little heavier when he saw that his sister was not with him.

He tried to calm himself down, Miwa also got hurt so maybe she was in her own room resting, right? That had to be it. And his parents were also getting treated, so they can't visit him until they feel better, right?

Still the worry and panic didn't leave him, he had a bad feeling about the whole situation. Tobio began to bite his lower lip. Why did all of this have to happen on the same day, his teammates turning their backs on him, Oikawa's and Iwaizumi's disappointed stares, his parent's pity glances, and Miwa's hug when they picked him up from school after his last game in Kitagawa Daiichi. Now a car crash because of an irresponsible driver.

The door opened again, the nurse gives him some water before she calls Shinsuke and his grandmother. Tobio's head feels fuzzy; he still can't recall what happened fully, but he's instantly alert at the sight of Shinsuke, whose eyes have been red from crying.

"What happened?" Tobio asks, looking between the both of them.

"W-where's Miwa? What's going on?"

Shinsuke's twist from grief. He grips his grandmother's had even tighter before he releases it to sit in the chair beside Tobio's bed. He explains what happened with halting breaths.

Tobio's heart drops. "You''re lying, right? There's no way...Miwa...Mom and dad..." Tobio pales, clammy hands going to Shinsuke.

"Please tell me that it's a lie."

Shinsuke remains silent.

Tears well up in Tobio's eyes.

He starts sobbing.

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