Kita's cousin

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"So why couldn't Atsumu join us?" asks Ginjima as he took a sip of his boba. Osamu sigh, today Suna, Ginjima, Kosaku, and the twins were supposed to hang out together. But as always, his brother had other plans.

"He volunteer to show Tobio-kun around today."

Osamu would have joined them too, but he also didn't want to ditch his teammates. Plus Aran was with them so he didn't have to worry about Atsumu doing something stupid.

"Ya mean Kita's cousin?"

"Yep, Tobio-kun hasn't been feelin' well since his family's funeral will be held soon. Kita wanted him out of the house for the day so that their grandmother and he could plan the last preparations for it and they didn't want Tobio-kun to fall back into his empty shell."

It had already been a month since the twins got to know Tobio and honestly, the boy was just very reserved. He spoke softly but could and will speak loud if provoked. He also had the same intimidating aura that Kita has when angered. Osamu and Atsumu learned that the hard way when both boys thought it would be a good idea to make a mess inside the house.

Osamu took a quick liking to the boy and already considered him a friend. Both of them didn't have much in common but they did share their love for food. Every time they visit Tobio, Osamu made sure to bring home-cooked meals so that he can share with the blue-eyed boy. He had never shared his cooking with anyone other than his brother and he was happy when Tobio seemed to like it.

Tobio didn't speak much but Osamu could read him like a book. Just one look into his eyes and he could see the loss in them. It wasn't much of a surprised considering that he had just lost his family, but there was something else in them. Atsumu had also noticed, especially when they talked about their middle school team. Every time Tobio would try to change the conversation and the twins didn't question him.

It wasn't until two weeks ago did, they realized why. Kita had been out that day and his grandmother was in the backyard fixing some of her plants. The twins had come and visited them again (Atsumu just wanted an excuse to see Tobio) when they heard the scream. Osamu was preparing to cook when Atsumu ran past him and into Tobio's room.

That had been the first time either of them had seen Tobio cry. Not knowing what to do Atsumu and Osamu hugged Tobio and talked to him in a soft calming voice. It did the trick and Tobio's sniffles got quieter. Without asking for an explanation Tobio began telling them why he woke up in tears.

That day they had learned that Kageyama Tobio had been abandon by not only his team but his two close friends. Osamu remembers how Atsumu refused to leave Tobio's side even after the boy fell asleep. Osamu only sighs and went to clean the kitchen before informing Tobio's grandmother about the situation. The old lady had been waiting outside Tobio's room as she had seen the twins enter.

She only sighs and explains that it had not been the first time it happened. Apparently, Tobio only had nightmares when he was either hiding something or not feeling well. And just like that, the twins became protective of Tobio. Osamu made sure to include Tobio in their outings and sometimes he would join the others he would not, but it was a step forward. That's why when they first saw how expressionless he got last week did they worried. Osamu had never been there to see Tobio go back into his emotionless state.

Aran and Kita had, and still, they weren't used to it. Atsumu had tried everything to get Tobio speaking. But it was fruitless, Osamu also did what he could, but the result was the same. That's why Atsumu jumped into the idea of taking Tobio around Hyogo to distract him. Kita agreed under the condition that Aran accompanied them.

"Poor kid is probably still tryin' to deal with the loss."

Suna hummed in agreement with Ginjima.

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