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With Itachiyama

Kyoomi frowned, they way both his coach and captain seemed to share the same excitement clearly meant something had happened. And by the looks of it, it had something to do with the volleyball team. Could it be about Nationals? He would understand, they did make it. Who wouldn't be happy?

But that wasn't the case here. His captain was holding a paper up as the coach nodded along, a pleased smile on his face. He scrunched his nose, something fishy was going on. "If you don't stop glaring like that you will have wrinkles before you even reach the age of twenty Kyo." That made him glare even harder.

His cousin, Komori, laughs. "What got you so tense?" Kyoomi turns his gaze at his cousin and shrugs. "I feel like something is going to happen and it involves Miya."

Komori raised an eyebrow, amusement dancing in his eyes. "You do know that not everything is involved with Atsumu, right?" The jet rolls his eyes, a bit of sweat stinging them. Anything that made him feel suspicious always involved the blonde. From sneezing (Miya must have been talking shit about him) to Kyoomi failing his math test (don't ask him, he won't give you a clear answer.)

"Anything that seems fishy always involves Miya, both of them along with that middle blocker with the bad posture." If the twins made chaos then that middle blocker was chaos itself. He shivers, he pities the soul who had to look after them. Thanking his cousin for the towel handed to him Kyoomi wipes off the sweat on his face and neck. Grimacing at it after finishing. He would take a long hot bath after this, can't have him getting sick.

"Who? Suna? I mean, sure he can be a bit mischievous but he isn't that bad." Yeah right. The camp they had with them last year says otherwise. He felt bad for their manager (she already graduated but did keep in contact with the team once in a while) who had to clean their mess after a prank went wrong. "You're only saying that because you are the same as him." Giving him a side glare, the jet huffs. Komori only laughs. "Aww c'mon you gotta admit it was funny."

Not one bit.

That prank involved glitter and till this day Kyoomi can still find some in the sleep wear he had used that night.

"Guys gather around, there is an important announcement we have to say!" Clapping his hands, their captain, Lizuna, called them. A beaming smile on his face. Usually this meant good news yet the same gut feeling bothered Kyoomi. Once they had all gathered around him and their coach did the setter begin speaking. "As you all know we usually attend training camps with only Inarizaki for the last few years."

Oh god, he already knew where this was going. Komori snickers next to him. "But this year will be different," pulling out the piece of paper he had been looking at, Lizuna showed it to them. "Inarizaki's manager has gathered a few teams for a summer training camp here in Tokyo. I already spoke to him on the phone along with Kita and we agreed to host it in our school considering that it's closer and we have more room."

Kyoomi blinked, Inarizaki had a manager? Now he really felt pity for whoever had to watch those three devils. Maybe Kita was helping them? So far the Inarizaki captain was the only one that could keep the three of them under control. But that is for another day, he needs to know which teams other than Inarizaki would come.

"What other teams are participating?" Asks Kiyoomi. Lizuna grins, "I have the list here, and I'm sure you will all like it." His eyes linger on Kyoomi's figure. Once again he is confused. "The Tokyo teams that are participating are Nohebi and us. From the countryside is Shiratorizawa, Inarizaki, though we still aren't sure if Komomedai will be joining since they haven't responded as of now."

Shiratorizawa? Then that meant Wakatoshi would be there! Kiyoomi's eyes brighten at the thought of spending time with his senior and friend. And they would be doing something they love, volleyball. Komori chuckles, amusement in his eyes. "I will be keeping in contact with Inarizaki's manager for more information. Other than that you are all free to continue practice."

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