Chapter Eight: A field trip to Universal Studio of Japan

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I woke up this morning feeling like something was wrong. After I got dressed I went downstairs, only to notice no one was here. I did some poking around and found out Tomu (Tomura) was invading the hero's field trip so he could try to kill All Might. I sighed and went to my room to grab my emergency alert button. It was designed to alert Kurogiri if we ever got in trouble, it sent him our location and the name of who pressed the button. Going back downstairs, I pressed the button. Within seconds Kurogiri was in the living room.


Kurogiri was about to teleport to the students by the door of the USJ when he got a notification  that said Izuku needed help, showing Tomura he warped back to the bar. Once he got there he was met with an angry Izuku. Izuku demanded that Kurogiri take him to Tomura, it was then that Kurogiri realized that he was serious. Izuku only calls Tomura by his full name when he's furious. Kurogiri opened a warp to the USJ and stepped to the side to let Izuku go through. Once Izuku made it into the USJ he was met with Tomura bragging about how he was going to kill All Might. " Tomura Shigaraki, WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING," Izuku screamed. Tomura froze in place fearing for his life, while the heroes and hero students thought he was going to kill the new boy. However they were shocked when they saw the villain look up with obvious fear on his face. Izuku walked up to Tomura and slapped him, after slapping him  he started scolding him. Meanwhile the heroes were just watching as this new kid was yelling at the villain. Izuku sighed and grabbed Tomura's ear, dragging him to the portal he threw him in. He then turned to the rest of the villains who tried to run from him only to be caught and thrown into the portal as well. Once all the villains had been thrown into the portal he turned around and bowed. I am incredibly sorry about my brother, Izuku started, however he noticed someone in the crowd. Izuku's eyes filled with tears as he ran up the stairs towards the heroes. The pro heroes braced themselves for an attack only to realize the kid had already passed and was heading towards the students. Izuku went flying at Katsuki while screaming Kachan, Katsuki grabbbed him in a hug while sobbing. They fell to the floor in a heap of apologies and sobs.


After Kachan and I calmed down enough to talk, he asked me where I had been, I looked down sadly as I remembered the day I went missing. I whispered in his ear what happened, and he in return told me that he never stopped believing that I was alive. I asked Kachan if he still lived in the same house, and he told me he did. I told him to ask his mother to prepare three extra plates for dinner tonight. He looked at me and asked why, and I told him I was bringing my new family over for dinner. Noticing Kurogiri waiting by the portal for me, I told Kachan that I had to go and that I would see later. I then got up and ran into the portal. Now back at the bar, I turned towards all of the villains standing in front of me. I started yelling at them, and told them that as a punishment they were to turn themselves into the police, they all nodded and walked out with me to go downtown. Once we got there I had them stand in a line so the police could take them in. Once the police got there they were baffled at the amount of villains standing in front of the shops, not wasting time they started to quickly arrest them. However I noticed they were handling them roughly and decided to step in. Going towards the lead officer, I grabbed him and pinned his hands behind his back, the other officers noticed me and got ready to fight back. However I wasn't fazed at all and in a loud and clear voice I demanded that they be more gentle the villains or I will take them back instead of letting them go to jail. Needless to say they listened because and officer was being held hostage and by the time they had finished I was already gone and back at the base ready to yell at Tomura and Kurogiri.

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