Chapter Six: UA Entrance Exam

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—————————————Time skip Ten Years————————————-

Izuku is 15 and tenko now going as tomura shigaraki is 17

Kurogiri is IDk 20 somethin 

AFO is like  600 something 


Today UA has its entrance exams, I would love to go and participate but Kachan and his family put up missing posters of me and police are still searching for me. I wanted to see if Kachan was participating, and see how he did. Me and tomura started calling kurogiri mommagiri, this is because he raised us since we were young. After sitting around for awhile I decided I'm going to watch the entrance exams. I grabbed a hoodie and a full face mask, covering every inch of my body you couldn't tell who I was. I asked mommagiri to make a portal to the store near UA. After I got out of the portal I rushed to the wall of UA, after everyone was distracted I jumped the wall. Once in UA I watched people enter all nervous. After a bit I heard someone yelling, after investigating I found Kachan screaming at a red haired guy, I laughed quietly to myself seeing Kachan hasn't changed in ten years. After that I picked a city to camp out in while waiting for the students to show up.

Time skip to when the zero-pointer comes out 

I noticed a bunch of kids running from something, after more investigation I found a giant robot. I was about to leave also when I heard a small cry, looking around my eyes landed on a girl trapped under rubble. I walked over and took a glove off, after I disintegrated the rubble I put my hand up just as the robot stepped down on us, only it didn't crush us it just disintegrated.

After the heroes noticed the disturbance the came rushing out to check on the girl. I decided it was time to leave. On my way back I came across a girl hiding in an alleyway, she had a bunch of cuts and blood on her. The longer I looked at her the cuter she looked. I went up to her to see if she was ok. 

??? POV

I was sitting in an alleyway, my parents kicked me out of the house last week, since then I haven't eaten. While I was sitting there a boy came up to me and offered his hand. He looked so cute, I took his hand and he helped me up. He then shocked me by yelling Kurogiri out, all of the sudden a purple portal opened up in front of us.


I gently led the girl through the portal into the bar, after showing her the bathroom, I gave her a towel and some clean clothes. I then went back downstairs to tell kurogiri about her. After 10 minutes had passed the girl came downstairs. She had blond hair in two buns and yellow eyes with slits like a cat. When she smiled her teeth looked like fangs, once she came down I led her to a chair. Kurogiri wanted to ask her some questions, so I left the room.

Kurogiri POV

Once Izuku left the room I sat down across from the girl. I had seen her when she walked through the portal, she was all scratched up and bloody. Starting with my questions I asked what her name was, her quirk, and why she was all scratched up and bloody. Her answers were; Himiko Toga, Transform, and she was kicked out of her home after being beaten. I decided that she could stay with us after all she had no home. I showed her where her room was and told that this was her new home, she started crying and thanking me. All that's left is to tell master about the newcomer. Something tells me that this little family will only get bigger as time goes on.


Sorry for not updating 

Hawaii has had a lot of rain recently, so service and Wi-Fi haven't been the best. Hopefully I can update more during winter break, since finals are coming up I'm going to be more busy.

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