Chapter Five: The dumb hero

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Just an edit I made, tho completely unrelated to the story


Today kurogiri decided to take me and tenko out for a walk. His reasoning was "it's because all you two do everyday is play video games and sit in your rooms," I don't know what he's talking about because I come out to eat all the time. He decided that we would head to the mall to get some new clothes and some more food, so that's where we went. However along the way people stared at us, I can sort of see why though, it's because a purple mist guy was walking with two kids who looked completely unrelated. Half way there though a guy dressed as a hero stopped us, he kept eying kurogiri.


I was on patrol when I noticed a lot of people staring at something, curious I looked towards where they were looking. I saw a purple mist thing with two young children with him, thinking he might be kidnapping them I stopped the man. " Sir, are these your children." I asked. The man said yes and started to walk away, when I stopped him again and asked for proof. The man sighed and called the children over to him, suddenly what looked like a portal appeared under the children and they vanished. I got into a fighting stance, this man had just kidnapped the children. After awhile of standing there another portal opened and the children came out with bags in there hands, I stood there watching as the man asked the kids what they got.


We told kurogiri what we got, groceries for the next few weeks, clothes for me and tenko, some new games, some shoes, gloves, a mask for me, some tools for repairs, lightbulbs, five movies, and some decorations for our rooms. Kurogiri sighed and opened a portal to the base, while walking through I stuck my tongue out at the hero who was just standing there. Kurogiri sighed again and pushed me through. Once everything was put away another portal opened and it took us back to kurogiri. The hero asked kurogiri again if he had proof of us being his kids. Kurogiri told the man that tenko had no family and was found on the streets while my mother entrusted me to him. The hero the scoffed and said yeah right as he walked away. Kurogiri opened a portal and took us home. After the portal closed both me and tenko told him that we've had enough of dumb heroes. After that we went to our rooms and didn't come back out.

Author here

So while this is a chapter, it doubles as a filler while I plan out the next chapters and try to overcome writers block. If you have anything to say you can put it in one of the categories below.





Anything else———->

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