Chapter 33: Hold on my heart

Start from the beginning

"You're crazy! I can't be pregnant, I'm on birth control! I use IUD." - She stated, laughing it off.

Everybody was looking at me for a reaction.

"Daphne, I'm telling you, you are pregnant! I'm shocked that no one else can smell it on you!" - Dan insisted. My mouth was opened and I couldn't close it.

"I think your nose is defective. You should get that checked out!" - She replied, still not taking it serious.

"Daph, let's get a pharmacy test! I mean, it can't hurt to double check!" - Felix told her with a pleading look.

"OK, fine. But when the test comes back negative, you'll buy me a beer or something!" - She snickered.

It was difficult for me to react to the news. For one, I believe in Dan's sense. On the other hand, Daphne was so convinced I couldn't disprove her. But I couldn't live with the doubt, so I ran away and got her a pharmacy test. I was late for school, but it was worth it!

In class, Dan kept looking at me weirdly.

"What are you going to do?" - He whispered to me.

"I have no idea! I'm freaking out!" - I whispered back to him.

Obviously, I couldn't concentrate in any class. By lunch break, we're all the table discussing it.

"Are you sure, Dan? I mean, it's not like you have an uterus!" - Lauren snickered.

"I'm positive! I've been around pregnant women before. The smell is unmistakable!" - Dan replied in a serious tone. We were all still pretty shocked by the revelation.

"I can't believe Nate barely found his mate and is already gonna be a father!" - Mike pondered, gobsmacked.

"Me neither!" - Dan agreed, floored.

"Guys, stop talking about it! It's stressing me out more than I already am!" - I pleaded, sweating profusely.

"Chill, Nate! Dan probably got it wrong and..." - Denise started but got abruptly interrupted by Daphne arriving at the table with Felix.

"Congratulations! Your fucking giant werewolf penis must have displaced my IUD or something!" - She placed the positive pregnancy test in my tray. She was fuming!

Everybody stared at me. And her. Everyone was positively floored.

"Oh my Goddess, Daphne! I'm so sorry! I didn't mean for this to happen, obviously!" - I tried to calm her, but she wasn't having it.

"I think you fucking did it on purpose! I can't believe it! I'm 17 years old!" - She shouted at me.

"I would never do this on purpose! I would never betray you, Daphne! Please believe me!" - I pleaded, almost with teary eyes.

"I don't care how you did it! Now I have to fucking get an abortion and you're gonna pay for it!" - She yelled and left the table. I went after her, though she didn't want to even look at me.

After she left, she was in tears. I tried to hold her but she wouldn't let me. She just wanted to be left alone. And so I returned to our table.

"Nate, how is she?" - Dan asked me, concerned.

"She is furious! Guys, I didn't think this would happen, I swear!" - I said, shaking.

"Guys never think this can happen! That's why is always the girl's burden to make sure it doesn't!" - Lauren stated, looking serious.

"Did you wear a condom?" - She asked.

"No." - I answered, embarrassed.

"See?" - She replied. - "That's why werewolves aren't allowed to have sex before you turn 18! So that it doesn't happen to anyone yet unmated!" - She schooled us.

"Yes, but you had sex with Dan!" - Tom pointed out. Felix, who was sat with us, looked uncomfortable.

"Yes, Tom, I did because I thought we were going to be mates. But I made sure he always wore a condom! And I was on the pill. I couldn't take any chance!" - She explained.

"Guys, this isn't helpful! Now, the important thing is to be there for Daphne!" - Dan intervened.

"You're right, Dan!" - I agreed. - "Excuse me, guys." - I said and leave the table.

I went to try and see Daphne again. I approached her very calmly.

"Are you alright?" - I asked her. She wasn't, but I didn't know what else to say.

"I can't believe this! If I'd known you had a magic penis, I'd taken the morning after pill!" - She answered, sarcastically.

"I'm sorry! It was my fault for not asking you of birth control! I can't believe that happened on my first time!" - I croaked.

"Tell me about it!" - She replied, gasping.

"If you want, of course I'll pay for the procedure. I mean, I don't have much money but I'll get it, I swear!" - I said, looking tenderly at her.

"I don't know what I want! I want to not being pregnant at 17! That's such cliché!" - She spoke with a deep frown.

"I didn't think I would be a father at 18 either! Not to mention, I'm terribly scared of your dad! I think he's going to kill me when he finds out!" - I said it and she starts crying.

"Oh my God! My parents are gonna freak when they discover this!" - She cried hard. I held her.

When I got home, I went to talk to my mom about it. I mean, I had no other choice, If nothing else I needed her to give me the money.

"Mom, can I talk to you for a moment?" - I said as I entered her office. I knocked first, evidently.

"Of course, cariño. Que pasa?" - She replied.

"I'm sorry to spring this on you but Daphne is pregnant. And I'm afraid I'm gonna have to pay for the procedure." - I blurted it out.

"Oh my Goddess! And have you spoken to her? Are you sure this is what she wants?" - Mom asked me, concerned.

"I have, but she is not 100% sure, I think." - I replied, sheepishly.

"Well, the first step is to take her to see a doctor and talk about her choices." - Mom stated.

"And if in fact she chooses abortion, of course we're gonna pay for it!" - She continued.

"Thanks, mom. I'm so sorry to bother you with this!" - I apologized. I kissed her on the cheek.

"It's not a bother! You know I'm always here for all my children!" - She said with a soft smile.

Later, Dan stopped by my room. It's funny how we never locked our doors ever since we're kids in case one wanted or needed to visit the other. Though we had some inconvenienced visits in the past, but that never deterred us.

"How are you, brother?" - He asked me as he closes the bedroom door.

"I'm not okay, to be honest." - I replied with a deep frown.

"I can imagine. I hate to say it but Lauren was right today! If it weren't for her, we totally would've gotten pregnant! So, I understand!" - He stated.

"I know. I just don't know what to think. For one, I have to be there for her." - I started.

"But on the other hand, I could be a father." - I continued, pensive.

"I could be an uncle!" - He spoke with a hint of a smile.

"I don't know what to do. I mean, I do know. I have to be there for her." - I spoke, confidently.

"Yes, you do. For the rest of your life now, it's all about Daphne and your kid." - He spoke in a somber tone.

"And I'm okay with that! I just hope she can make the right decision for her!" - I said, apprehensively.

"Me too, brother! But in any case, I'm here for you! Even if it's to change a diaper!" - He joked.

And we laughed a little. Honestly, it's good that I had my brother with me. We were always there for each other! And I have a feeling I'm gonna need him now more than ever! This is gonna be hell to pay, I can feel it!

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