Chapter 33: Hold on my heart

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The following day, I wake up next to Daphne in my room. We didn't do much the night before, unfortunately. I mean, there were some hands everywhere. But it was just nice to have her in my arms.

I snuck out of the room to go the bathroom and found Dan in the corridor. The entire family slept in the same wing of the house, after all. And no room had bathroom except the Alpha's.

"Did you sleep alright?" - I asked him. By the look of it, he slept great.

"I slept the best night of my life so far!" - He replied, grinning the widest I've ever seen him.

"Good for you! I know you must be relieved now that..." - And then it hit me.

"Oh my Goddess!" - I yelled. - "You slept with Felix?" - My jaw was on the floor.

"Don't need to announce it to the whole pack house, Nate!" - He snickered, embarrassed.

"I'm sorry. I got excited for you!" - I told him, awkwardly.

"And what about you? Any more arm bruises?" - He winked at me as he referenced my first night with Daphne.

"Not yet, but there's always hope!" - I answered him with a cheeky smile. And then we go about our way.

 And then we go about our way

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A week has passed. Daphne and Felix got in a lot of trouble for sleeping away from home, even though it was a Saturday. So I could only see her at school. Daniel, on the other hand, was happy to see Felix at his house. Their father didn't like it very much, but he tolerated it.

Damn double standards!

We were at the school yard, as I was anxiously waiting for Daphne to arrive. But as soon as she did, Daniel shocked all of us with a scream.

"Oh my Goddess!" - He shouted, looking shocked at Daphne.

"What's wrong, Dan? Did you forget something at home? Do you have a test today?" - I asked him, worriedly.

Daphne and Felix approached us.

"What's wrong, Dan?" - Felix asked him with a concerned look.

"Oh my Goddess, Daphne!" - He exclaimed looking right at her. I was scared.

"What is it, Dan? You're scaring everyone!" - Daphne asked, concerned.

"Seriously, you guys can't smell it?" - He said, looking at me, Mike, Carl and Tom.

"Smell what? Oh my God! Do I have cancer? I read dogs can smell it on you!" - Daphne genuinely asked.

"Did you just compare us to dogs?" - I questioned her with a serious look, though holding back a giggle.

"No Daphne, you don't have cancer. You're pregnant!" - He said and I went deaf for a second.

Everybody's jaws were on the floor. Felix looked shocked. But Daphne laughed at him.

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