Chapter 21: Dangerous Woman

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After what happened at lunch, the rest of the classes went by smoothly. The final bell rang, Felix and I were heading out to get to our bus.

"Are you okay?" - I asked him worriedly.

"Yes, I am." - Felix replied, looking giddy like he had butterflies in his stomach.

"Good for you." - I replied, grinning. I don't know why he was in such good mood, but I'm happy for the blessing.

At this, Nate approached me.

"Hey, can I visit you? At your house, I mean." - He asked, charmingly.

"I got it. Yes, you can. I mean, I already went to your house and met your parents, so it's only fair!" - I replied with a mischievous grin.

"Wait! Is the Chief of Police gonna be there?" - He asked in a scared voice.

"Are you afraid of my dad? Wow! A big, bad" - his eyes widened - "boy such as yourself!" - I teased him.

"I mean, the guy carries a gun!" - He replied, still looking worried.

"No, he'll be at the Police Station. Don't worry about it!" - I tranquilized him. He smiled at me.

"Great! I'll just take the bus now and stop by your house later." - He informed me and said goodbye with a kiss on my cheek.

"You already met his parents?" - Felix asked, looking curious at me.

"Yes, I went to his house. Remember?" - I replied, looking at him confused.

"I do, I just didn't realize you've already met the parents. Sounds serious!" - He pondered, pensive.

"It wasn't a big deal! I mean, just a little." - I answered him, a little puzzled myself.

Boys don't usually invite me to their houses to meet the parents on the second date, if that's even what we can call our first encounter. But he seemed so genuine that I went along. And I don't regret it one bit.

"You never tell me anything about him. I'm starting to think he's in the witness protection program..." - He joked as we entered the bus.

"Good one, Felix. But if I'd tell you, I'd have to kill you. And I love you too much for that." - I replied to him in an ironic tone.

"Gee. Thanks!" - He said, sarcastically.

An hour later, Nate arrived at my house. I let him in, he greets Felix and I lead him to my room. Both my parents worked all day, so they wouldn't get home til a few hours.

"Nice room." - He complimented as he entered.

"Thanks. It serves its purpose." - I replied, curtly.

"So listen, I know we've already talked about this. But just to confirm: you, your family and all your friends..."

"Are werewolves, yes." - He interrupted me. Bitch, please... That much is given at this point!

"That's not what I was going to say! I meant to ask if they all can smell my arousal too?" - I surprised him with my bluntness.

"Y-yes, but hopefully you don't get aroused near any of them." - He croaked, uncomfortably.

"That means that Daniel smelled Felix too, right? Is he going to beat up my brother over this?" - I asked, genuinely concerned. I mean, if Lauren was bothered by it, who knows what a straight jock is gonna do?

"No, don't worry about it! He won't! We're already used to smelling it at school. Honestly, it's not that big of a deal!" - He reassured me.

"We? That means you too are used to smell girls' arousal?" - I asked him suggestively, which of course makes him very uncomfortable. Honestly, I loved make him squirm.

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