3 AM

27 4 3

Why don't you love me
For who I am
I know I'm fucked up
But i do best i can
It's 3 AM
And I'm losing my mind
I feel so lost
Been drinking wine
All this smoke
All this loneliness
I wish i could stop You
From loving someon else
Is there a night
Where you think about me
I realised
There is nothing good about me
Why do i have to beg
To feel loved like everyone else
I don't know what i want to do
People say that skies are blue
But for me it's always dark
Just like my stonecold heart
And your world is colorful it shines
But i can't see
I guess I'm colorblind
I'm colorblind.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2021 ⏰

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