~How to Get Your Needle~

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Hey, it's Emmy!

This chapter is going to focus on needles! The information is from WikiHow.
This chapter was suggested by:

1. Know your natural flexibility. Everyone's body has tight areas and looser areas.
Stretching early and often helps keep you limber. Remember, you will become less flexible as you get older, so start early.

2. Learn your muscles' names. Do you know where your Gluteus Maximus is? Probably! What about your Iliopsoas or your Semitendonosus? These muscles are important to your needle!
You have to overextend your back, torso and leg muscles to do a needle. Learning the muscles' names and how they work within your body will make stretching for this position easier.
Tighter muscles are typical around the back and torso. These areas will need extra stretching.

3. Identify problem muscles. Muscles have a long memory. If you have injured a muscle, it might be tighter than the rest. Give it extra love and attention, and extra stretching to prevent future harm.
Muscle tears can occur. If they do, they can reduce your motor skills, as well as create scar tissue. Be careful!

4. Warm up your muscles before stretching. Do jumping jacks, brisk walking or jogging to warm up your muscles.
Don't stretch with cold muscles. Working on a needle with cold muscles can hurt your posture and form, which may result in injury.

5. Develop a routine for stretching. A routine is important for preparing your body for exertion and contortions involved in doing a needle.
Stretching prepares your body for the needle posture. Also, stretching triggers your muscle memory and believe it or not, can remember what to do!
Remember, stretching is not itself a warm-up.
Start with major muscle groups. Shoulders, torso, gluts, thighs, and back.

6. Breathe consciously and regularly. Breathing is key to the optimal performance of your mind and body.
In the middle of a routine, you're exerting all of your energy and breathing is essential.
With time, the resistance and tightness will release. Keep breathing!

Thanks for reading!!

Xx Emmy xX

QOTC: Random question, can you twerk?

AOTC: No I can not.

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