The end of Lord Darkar

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The time for hesitation was over... there was no more time for Bloom and the whole magical dimension. Musa runs inside the palace of the shadow phoenix following her friends, but not before giving one last look to Riven. The young specialist looks back, sighing bitterly. He clenches his fists, feeling Helia's hand on his shoulder.

"I... I've always known it in my heart, but I've never wanted to admit it. How could a gruff, grumpy boy like me have gotten such a sweet smile from her the first time our eyes met? If the Trix hadn't sent that hairy, smelly monster to that little party the girls had thrown while they were grounded I... I think I would have asked Musa out on a date."

Helia doesn't respond merely comforting him. But the battle rages on and there was no more time... they had to finish this damn fight. Riven clenches his fists again, angrier than ever.

"Damn Trix, they always ruin everything! After I struggled to get Musa's trust and love back I.... I can't let her die! "

Riven unsheathes his scimitar violently striking a troll. The specialists then deal with the monsters outside the palace, then wait for the reinforcements requested by the schools. The Winx split up: Tecna faces the enemies just at the entrance, Musa and Flora fight as a pair while Aisha and Stella go in search of Bloom, as Solaria's fairy has the opposite power to darkness and Aisha knew Darkar well. Aided by the Pixie keepers of the code, the two fairies manage to pass through the portal, finding Bloom already in the clutches of the cursed one.

"Where are the others?" Brandon asks to Tecna. The boys had also been joined by Codatorta, Griffin and Faragonda, coming to the aid of the young fairy.

"I'll input the coordinates and..."

"No need..." Helia says pointing to the origami left by Flora as a signal.

Riven sighs; he wished he had that same complicity with Musa... no, he did, actually! It was that very complicity that saved everyone's skin in the Wildlands! He runs following the trail of the fairy, along with the others, while the professors try to block the advance of the other monsters. Specialists and fairies gather in the room where the portal had opened. Musa was still there, looking terrified... Riven approached her, taking her by the hand.

"Riven... I'm so scared..." she whispers.

"I'm here with you. We will all return safely, my love..."

Musa barely smiles, letting a tear run down her face before she walks through that portal, hand in hand with Riven. The young man kisses her head and funny little pigtails, reassuring her and letting her know that everything would be alright.

Together, hand in hand, they jump into the passageway, finding a gruesome scene: black Bloom in the center, intent on invoking the power of the Relix, and Aisha and Stella overpowered by Darkar.

"Leave them, damn you!"

Sky jumps into the fight, along with everyone else, but Darkar prevails over each of them. One by one they fall, pinned down, no one left out. Stella and Aisha were trying to break free, as well as Sky who wanted to reach Bloom. Flora, who was left with Musa, also falls.

"Ha ha! You're finished!" Darkar laughs evil.

"There's still me!"

Musa had pulled out the last bit of courage she had left, hoping that luck would be on her side, at least for once. And she was lucky, minus someone else... As Darkar was about to deal her the killing blow, Musa closed her eyes... the only sound that reached her ears were Riven's screams.

"MUSA NO!!!"


Riven falls at the girl's feet, wounded in the abdomen. It wasn't a wound, it was a chasm... Musa was petrified, pale, terrified. No, not again! Not Riven! That fool, mad with love for her, had shielded her. The battle continued, with disturbing intervention from the Trix who had turned on Darkar, but Musa didn't care anymore...

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