A sky without stars

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The new week begins not only with the usual worries but also with good news. While Musa was inside the boys room studying with Riven, she hears someone knocking.

"I'll get it." Riven gets up going to open and finding Helia standing in front of the door.

"Well, are you going to grace us with your presence now?"

"You're not being very funny, Carter. I would like to speak with Musa..."

Riven looks at him strangely, then returns and pats Musa on the shoulder. The fairy jerks, feeling a chill.

"You are wanted at the door..."

Musa nods and gets up going to Helia. The specialist smiles at the girl, extending her hand.

"I didn't want to bother you but my grandfather wants to see you."

"Oh...that's...that's fine," she smiles. Helia was nice, it was no accident that Flora liked him.

The boy escorts her to Saladin's presidency, where Faragonda and Codatorta were also present. Musa didn't understand but saw that the three were smiling and there was nothing to worry about.

"Musa dear, we summoned you because you are the right person for what we need!" exclaims Faragonda.


Saladin nods and smiles.

"As you know, the recital is coming to an end. So, we wanted to organize a nice concert, and you, as a music fairy, seem like the most suitable person!"

"Oh..." Musa smiles and blushes, flattered. This would be a great opportunity for her, and Faragonda knew it. She was happy that the principal had listened to her and understood. Therefore, she decided not to miss the opportunity.

"So, will you accept?" Saladin asks.

"Of course! This is my big chance and I don't want to waste it!"

"That's the spirit!" exclaims Codatorta "My students would be better specialists if they had the same determination as you!"

Everyone laughs a little, especially Musa. She couldn't wait to tell the others and Riven, though, so she says goodbye and hurries to the boy's room. Riven sees her enter, spitting out the pencil he was listlessly chewing on while reading a paragraph.


Musa sits down next to him, hugging him tightly. Riven feels displaced by this outpouring of affection from him.

"We're closing the tournament on Sunday, and they asked me to do a concert!"

"Really?! Well, aren't you happy?"

"Of course I am! I can't wait to tell the others... but I wanted you to know first!" she smiles looking into his eyes, staying close to him. Riven smiles back, looking at her with his seductive gaze.

"Thank you, I mean... I'm honored by this, pixie..."

He approaches her, dangerously, parting his lips. Unfortunately, there's always someone who's a pain in the ass, entering Riven's room thunderously.

"Helia told us everything!" squeaks Stella.

"Oh good, then you already know what to do!" she laughs, still clutching at Riven. No one would seem to have noticed.

"Yes, also because Aisha and I wanted a part in the play!"

Aisha rolls her eyes laughing.

"Actually, YOU wanted it! Do you even know how to sing? Dance?"

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