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She swallowed her saliva. Surely he was furious but by now she had made the decision that she was going to call him anyway, so she had to answer him.


"Can you explain to me what the fuck happened in Gardenia?! What were you doing there!?"

Musa sighed, the girls or Pixie had let slip what had happened. A strong sense of emptiness and grief pervades her... he had called her to see if she was okay, in his own way.

"Aisha and I were unconscious, thankfully we're okay and..."

"You could have been really hurt you know! What if Faragonda hadn't intervened? What is wrong with you?"

"Riven, I...

"You don't respond to me for days, the next week you come up with a doctor's note of leave for not studying with me, and now you're wandering around planet Earth getting yourself into trouble!"

"You're right..." she murmurs.

Riven can't believe his ears. Musa for once hadn't gotten stubborn and listened to him.

"Actually," she continues, "I was going to call you. I wanted to know what you wanted to tell me when kissed me."

Riven sighed heavily, shaking his head. It was water under the bridge for him now, he just wanted to see her and spend some time with her. Spending his birthday alone, without her, had left a chasm in his chest.

"Nothing, Musa...just that I found out the truth at that very moment, about Jared, that's all. But it's water under the bridge you want to meet? Please say yes..." he whispers so the others won't hear him.

Musa smiles, her heart exploding with joy inside her chest. Could she tell him no?!!! She was over the moon and promptly replies.

"Yes! Are we going to the concert on Saturday? Lullaby sings, the girls don't like her and I don't feel like going alone..."

"Yeah, sure. I'm not crazy about her, but I'll gladly accompany you..."

Musa hangs up shortly after, throwing away her cell phone, and jumps into bed screaming with joy. She then looks at the calendar, seeing what day it was, it was Friday gosh... Something else catches her attention though....



"I can't believe you guys made up so quickly..." says Stella as she swipes her nail polish.

"Two weeks for you is fast?!" says Musa to her from the shower, intent on shaving. "And we were both wrong we're even!"

Aisha laughs as she sees all her friends sprawled out on the couches in their bathrobes. She had just returned from a walk in the woods, Musa sees her coming out of the bathroom.

"Just in time, the shower is free!"

"Thanks, Musa!" she says slinging herself into the bathroom.

Musa meanwhile chooses what to wear. Since Lullaby was a witch and rock singer, she wanted to wear something dark but not too much, Riven doesn't like things too over the top. She puts on a white top, a simple leather mini skirt, a pair of fishnet stockings and leather ankle boots. She always leaves her usual pigtails and around her neck she puts a red chocker with a little bell. That's just the way Musa was, she liked things simple and impactful. She changes her backpack, using the new one she bought that afternoon.

"Aaah did you go shopping?!" squeals Stella.

"Yes, do you like it??"

Stella preferred handbags but had to admit that that red leather backpack with a string of silver rhinestones on the front pocket was lovely.

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